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  1. S

    My dog bit my 7 year old sister

    @mariewalter The dog doesn't "know she did something wrong". She is simply reacting to the behavior of the humans around her. All the fuss over your sister startled her and she retreated to you for comfort. Anyway, this is a problem. Not a terrible unfixable problem, but it is something you...
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    I Think i adopted a Abused or24/7 caged Dog, Advice in helping her Socalize?

    @arealshirt Good advice. You aren’t really going to see her real personality for several weeks. Everything she knows has just changed and she is going to be wary of putting herself out there. The overall theme right now is to be calm and positive and let her come to you when she is ready.
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    I have the perfect dog 99.9% of the time until I don’t

    @bananabread23 That is a good suggestion. Also check the teeth - I had a rescue once that I found out a year after I get her that she had about 6 teeth in really bad shape that were probably causing her pain.
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    What dimensions should I look for in a crate (LxWxH)

    @sandyoriane The rule of thumb is that the dog should be able to stand up and turn around. However, it shouldn't be so roomy that they feel comfortable pooping in the corner.