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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @me2626 Thanks. This whole thing has just been so weird!
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @me2626 There isn’t anything anywhere else on his body. I mean could he a possibility 🤷‍♀️
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @me2626 His paws were fine before the groomer because I lifted them up to see his dew claws because sometimes they crack and they were fine. When he got in the car there was fresh bloody paw prints. He was bolting out of the place and once he got in the car he just stopped and laid down and was...
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @lommakiter Linked in the post.
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @lommakiter I just linked the photos to his paws bit it’s after almost 5 days but you can still see the indents from the missing tissue
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @sadmanneedingthelord Yea it’s all of his pads. There isn’t a single one without a deep chunk of skin missing. It looks like they took a razor blade and cut them all because it’s deeper toward the front but all pads in all paws had them. They told me they “messed” with his paws because they...
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @screenprinter I have no idea how they kept going. I have white leather seats in my SUV and there was bloody paw prints everywhere. It was terrifying.
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @barlowgirl Thank you! It’s killing me to see him hurting like this!
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @barlowgirl Oh I am now that I’ve confirmed that it isn’t normal! I was pissed and 3 or 4 of the people who work there kept telling me it was normal and that I was basically just being a bitch. So I’ve confirmed and am now dealing with them. The owner is avoiding my calls l like the plague today...
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @humbleknight I just linked photos to his paws. It’s been almost 5 days so it’s healing but you can see the chunks where tissue is missing. It’s on the paw pads, I checked in between and nothing was raw or bleeding.
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @humbleknight They were uniformly black and then just had a few rough spots but looking at the pads it didn’t look abnormal or anything before and that’s why I was fine just moisturizing them. The rough spots weren’t deep cracks or anything it was just a little surface dryness
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @johnprakashjha No I looked at his paws that morning and besides my yard he walked about 10 feet into the office because I backed in to a parking spot right in front of their door.
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @noahhw46 He’s not on pavement. Just out in the yard and stuff.
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @jesussaves7763 We have mushers secret and use it. I will admit I’m terrible at doing it every day. His paws weren’t cracked or anything. Just a few little dry spots.
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @thankfullness I’ve reached out this morning already and they said the owner will call me. That would make sense when it comes to the shaving. His paw pads look the same as my other dogs so I don’t know why they would have done that but I really appreciate your insight as I never would have...
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @bryony They said it was just water to soften it up. It honestly looks like they took a razor to the paw pads. Some of them look just shaved off
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @nikolaj I will definitely try that! His weren’t that bad just a few areas of roughness but every single pad was raw when he came home. Today he’s walking a little and we don’t have to carry him out to potty-this is nice because he’s 110lbs😂 but he’s still in pain
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @baotoan That’s what I’m planning on doing. This whole thing has been crazy traumatic for him and I feel awful. Definitely not ever letting them touch my dogs again.
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @sjb Definitely not going back. I live in college station but got it done in the town where my fiancé lives and I will never go back.
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    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @jmcd That’s what I figured. And his pads weren’t deep cracked or anything, just a little rough but he’s super active and we live in Texas but I am on top of everything and if I had any concern our vet would have seen him already. This has been traumatic for him and honestly me as well.