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  1. C

    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @rukado Yeah we’ve got two other senior dogs so we really can’t risk bringing that respiratory illness into the house. IThanks for the recommendations!
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @rukado That may actually be good because my husband hates the smell of the Cowboy Magic for some reason. Everything we have encountered so far comes out relatively easily, but I want to make sure the individual strands of hair aren’t getting roughed up/broken in the process bc I know that will...
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @hazelelponi For sure! For awhile it seemed like it just wasn’t even growing (even our groomer commented on it) but now looking at pictures from a month or two ago, it’s like he grew like a chia pet.
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @hazelelponi I think that’s what we are ultimately starting to try to figure out. What the best “routine” for cuts and lengths is going to be for him. So far he has just gotten baths + tidy every 3 weeks and I think it’s time to start incorporating some actual haircuts in, regardless of what...
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @hazelelponi I freaking love cowboy magic! We line brush daily (when he was younger I could get away with missing a day or two, but now it’s nightly) and I can still get a metal comb all the way through each time, so we aren’t at risk of having to do an actual shave. About a month ago I...
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @as77 Yeah it’s like the change started overnight. He won’t be going to doggy daycare for the near future (with the respiratory illness that’s going around) and that was definitely contributing to more tangles…but I think the changing coat is the root of the problem. I mostly just didn’t want...
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @hoping I’ve read about that but have had a hard time finding guides/how-to’s online. I do think that if it comes to that, we will just cut him shorter. I think that’s more than he’s going to want to sit through (he loves being brushed but he gets wiggly even just for his top knot bun that we...
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @rukado I’ve come to accept that you can’t interact on Reddit without encountering at-least one overly-aggressive/self righteous asshole. It was worth it though because I got so much good advice from the more constructive commenters in the thread like you.
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @napparenting Yeah I guess I should just be like all of the “doodle” owners that don’t give a shit about their dog’s comfort.
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @philippelarabe I think that may have something to do with it. He doesn’t wear a collar except at doggy daycare (and after speaking with his groomer, doggy daycare is probably the culprit for most of our troubles). I did modify his harness with satin but he only wears that for walks anyway.
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @mamba I figured when we got him that we would ultimately have to cut him short. The people at doggy daycare liked to play with him with a hose and it was a freaking nightmare. I always dried him after, but it was still frustrating (especially since I don’t like hose chasing from a behavioral...
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @whidbyministries Thanks for this! I texted his groomer to get her opinion since she has months of experience with his coat at this point. I think we are going to give it one more grooming cycle (so a month basically) to see how we can manage it with him not being in doggy daycare right now...
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @thegiant I guess your second point answers my actual question. “Trimming” the hair by an inch or two won’t actually do anything to prevent matting…all of the puppy hair has to come off, right? I’m a hairstylist with no attachment to my hair…but I’ve spent the past 5 months meticulously caring...
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    I have a 9 month old sheepdog/poodle mix (I know, I know) and I think we are at the start of his coat change. Up until this past month, brushing every day or even every other day has been enough to keep up (in addition to grooming appointments every 3 weeks). But now his neck gets decently sized...