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  1. F

    PSA to men who ask us groomers if they can get a haircut too, please stop. It’s creepy

    @bonitadan I’ve moved from there since then, thankfully! I’m now in a safe neighborhood and have a large yard.
  2. F

    PSA to men who ask us groomers if they can get a haircut too, please stop. It’s creepy

    @bonitadan I groom my schnauzer at home and while walking her in my neighborhood, I had a guy repeatedly do this. Every. Single. Time. He. Saw. Me. Like, “Oh your dog looks great! Where do you take them?” “I groom her myself!” “Oh, will you do my hair?” “Haha, no thanks.” And then every...
  3. F

    Picking up poop?

    @ashe Okay, this pooper scooper has been a godsend when I’m out and about and my dog has diarrhea. It scrapes it up and contains it really really well. You wrap the bag around the scoop and everything pretty much gets cleaned up. 10/10 highly recommend.