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    Having difficulties with potty training

    @rakibul88 Can you put up a visual barrier of some sort?
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    Having difficulties with potty training

    @rakibul88 Since she’s on leash, walk her to her potty spot. Wait however long it takes for her to go, then take her to go play. Play is the reward for pooping/peeing.
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    Dog pinned 1 year old

    @welshchild Rehoming is likely the best option here. While you can certainly hire a behavior consultant, there is never going to be a 100% guarantee that the dog’s feelings about children are going to change to the point where he will be absolutely, solidly reliable around children. Even if a...
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    Puppy REFUSES to pee outside

    @4theloveofgod1 Could it be a substrate issue? What kind of surface is she peeing on vs where are you putting her down to pee? Can you try different textures for her feet? Like, get a nice big square sample of the surface type she pees on inside and take that outside when you know she needs to...
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    Help w sleeping through the night?

    @gandalfsbigpants What's the longest he's gone without peeing during the day? What happens if you leave him home alone (do you leave him home alone)? If it's not a physical issue (you know he can hold it longer because he has done so during the day), you can institute alarm training in...
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    Advice for Demanding Dogs

    @brighteyes1530 Maybe try feeding them dinner via enrichment? Freezing their dinner in a Toppl, for example, or hiding portions of their food in something they have to work at to get to the food. Could eventually even hide some of those food sections around the house. It’s a little more work to...
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    Dog Walker brought another dog(a puppy)on a walk w my reactive dog

    @findingmyplace2019 So glad nothing happened, but I personally wouldn't feel able to trust that dog walker anymore. I do dog walking, pet sitting, dog training, and I'm 100% transparent with my clients. Every little thing, I tell them. If there's something out of the ordinary that I think I want...
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    Dog suddenly changed attitude and need advice

    @burbylellen Sudden change in behavior ALWAYS = a vet check. This could be a pain or GI issue or something else. I had a good friend whose dog never ever counter surfed then one day just started doing it. She took him to the vet. EIGHT HERNIAS. Yep. That guy needed surgery. Once it was done, no...