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  1. L

    Dog just went out (and pooped) 2 hours ago--pooped on dining room floor

    @aidenb Do those resources tell you how to tell if he's just asking to go outside because he wants to go outside versus when he actually has to go? Because having to poop less than two hours after having already done so (and the poop being normal consistency, so obviously not sick) is very weird.
  2. L

    Dog just went out (and pooped) 2 hours ago--pooped on dining room floor

    @aidenb When he was sick, he mostly cried and whimpered to let us know he needed to go. And we took him. We had the schedule so that he would not constantly be asking to go out when he didn't have to go. There are so many things he can see outside our back door, and he seems to want to either...
  3. L

    Dog just went out (and pooped) 2 hours ago--pooped on dining room floor

    @aidenb Because we don't have a fenced yard, and therefore can't just let him outside to go, we take him out on a schedule. He almost never does this, but on the rare occasions that he does, it's usually during the shorter interval between the second and third "potty breaks" of the day, which...
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    Dog just went out (and pooped) 2 hours ago--pooped on dining room floor

    @mrunk1975 Getting rid of the carpet is out of the question; it's protecting the hard wood floor from the dining room table and chairs. sigh We just barely got him down to three times a day last summer (or rather, my husband did while I had COVID). Before that it was five or more, and was...
  5. L

    Dog just went out (and pooped) 2 hours ago--pooped on dining room floor

    @oldbricklayer It only happens occasionally. The spot is usually cleaned with Microban afterward.
  6. L

    Dog just went out (and pooped) 2 hours ago--pooped on dining room floor

    Basically what the title says. We've had Fletcher (Beagle mix, approx 1 year, 11 months old) for a little over a year. He was crate trained before we got him, but we had to train him to poop on leash because the foster who had him for the shelter just let the dogs into her fenced yard to potty...