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  1. J

    Cheaper Dog Medicine? Similar to GoodRX?

    @jamiecouchman Some vets do big sales on meds a few times a year. Ours does it for one day in December and everyone stocks up- it’s like 25% off or something. Maybe check out some local vets to see if they offer any deals around this time of year?
  2. J

    9 week old Yorkshire Terrier Feeding Question

    @taylorgal53 That doesn’t sound like enough, but a bag of kibble will have recommended feeding guidelines based on weight and age on them so you can figure it out.
  3. J

    Yellow Diarrhea after a vet visit, but totally normal pup otherwise. I am so stressed

    @fullofeyes37 I would definitely call your vet to be safe, but I just wanted to add that recently our pup had liquid diarrhea and was otherwise totally energetic and happy as well- the vet said we probably overdid it on the treats. She said diarrhea + otherwise normal puppy means something...