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  1. R

    New rescue with separation anxiety

    @johmars Oh wow, that must have been tough. At least the crate works though. Hoping my dog gets less anxious once he settles more into his new home.
  2. R

    New rescue with separation anxiety

    @inhissight Thanks for the advice! I actually work from home but leave him in his confinement area during the day (with breaks/exercise in between), but it's not the most high-traffic area during that time so he does get anxious. I'll start to have him in there with me when I'm cooking/start...
  3. R

    New rescue with separation anxiety

    My boyfriend and I adopted a 2 year old golden/collie mix a few days ago. He's showed no major problems, except he seems to suffer from separation anxiety. He gets anxious and starts pacing if I leave the room, and will start whining/barking if he can't get to us, e.g. if we're in another room...