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    [Discussion] Consent and R+ 2.0 in K9 Sports/Training

    @mdsmith3931 I took Hannah Branigan's Start Button Behaviors workshop and that was the clearest explanation for me. She has a podcast on Start Buttons, but I don't remember exactly what's covered specifically.. Might help?
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    Struggling with the R+ approach to “off limits” areas

    @militantagnostic101 So much of dog training is routine and habits. I would probably opt to put up an xpen or baby gate outside of formal training sessions to prevent her from coming in the room at all when you're not training, and then have puppy-length boundary training session (keeping in...
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @eront I meant a "ban" on mentioning this sub.
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @christopherb Huh, an r/dogs "ban" (whatever that even means) seems super hypocritical, considering they have the same stance:
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @autumn1123 Hmmm I see a lot of comments about "I used an e-collar and it was like I had a different dog in a week!" and then discussions about the fallout of aversives, which is incredibly helpful for a newbie. Again, I would much rather someone have all of that information than finding it...
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @autumn1123 I would rather someone see level-headed back and forth discussion and make a decision for themselves instead of outright ban and being pushed into more poorly-moderated subs that lack nuance (i.e., historically opendogtraining). People who are curious about aversives are going to...
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    Getting puppy to chill the F out?

    @the_journey More structure and management. I also have a young gundog that needs reminders of how to chill in the house and not be in "Shark Mode" (if I stop moving, I'll die). I do that by meeting his needs (which it sounds like you're doing) alongside managing the environment with crates...
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    [x-post from r/dogs] Feeling defeated that I misjudged my dogs anxiety today

    @jsw1190 I would not skip too quickly to hand feeding. This can feel really conflicting for food-motivated dogs. Are you familiar with the treat and retreat game? This might be a better place to start. I would highly recommend doing it with a qualified professional observing if at all possible.
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @luketbachelder Banning mentions of this sub is going to hurt owners, period. There just aren't the same level of discussions on reactivity in the other dog training subs without sifting through post after post of "how do I get my dog to sit" or whatever nonsense is in r/dogtraining. When I was...
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    Sell me on B.A.T for my bossy, reactive, enthusiastic dog

    @joosten0603 I found some principles of BAT to be useful, but my main issue was that I found it could be difficult to have the "perfect" setups. Still, the book is inexpensive and there's a ton of great information in there. It's worth purchasing and reading even if you don't walk away doing...
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    E-collar correction

    @skilletboy Crate your dog or dogproof the room.
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    "Kicking the Dog: The endorsement of hegemonic masculinity predicts the endorsement of aversive training methods"

    @cathya Michael Shikashio, Ken Ramirez, and Chirag Patel are all amazing +R trainers...I'm sure there are others but I totally hear you that they're harder to pick out from other male YT trainers.
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    [Photo Friday] Header Contest: B A D D O G G O

    @raeh Floyd and Moose could give each other a run for their money in a battle of silly faces. Flabbos unite!
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    [Photo Friday] Header Contest: B A D D O G G O

    @onochie B-A-D-D-O-G CAN'T R-E-A-D VERY FIERCE DOG SHOWS TEETH and ROARS and sticks his tongue out at camera!
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    Can H-harnesses be fixed?

    @bloempje That really sucks, but I wouldn't chance it with a repair. It's like any piece of safety gear - as soon as you see signs of serious wear, just replace it.
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    "Kicking the Dog: The endorsement of hegemonic masculinity predicts the endorsement of aversive training methods"

    @joshuawithmartin Oh man so many thoughts, but the main thing I kept thinking about was how primarily men (but others as well) have been trained and socialized in this type of masculinity from birth, and how that socialization trickles down into attitudes toward training (and ultimately we all...