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  1. F

    Very funny take on different dog breed reactions

    @horsefeathers8899 I'm not on TT much, but I will try to track down some info on it. Thanks for sharing awareness about it.
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    [rant] You know who you are

    @noelp2015 It's so awesome that you guys are willing to work with anxious clients! My poor pup had a really negative experience with her first groom, and I thought there was no way I'd get her 75 pounds of fear and stubborn into a groomer again. Now that we found someone good, I'll follow them...
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    my dog (5) is obsessed with a microwaveable heat pack and i don’t know why

    @savedbygrace11 My pup loves lavender! It's one of her favorite scents I put in her scent boxes. She also likes to lay on my heat pad, but I'm always worried it will be too hot for her. I let her lay on it when I turn it off. It cools down in about 5 minutes, but she loves it so much she comes...
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    [rant] You know who you are

    @chris_1989 Y'all put up with soooo much. I'm sorry on behalf of owners who don't appreciate your time and expertise . I joined this sub because I need to groom my dog at home. It's really anxiety inducing for her, so I do all except nails myself. My groomers are absolute rockstars! They were...
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    Very funny take on different dog breed reactions

    @horsefeathers8899 Oh no! That's horrifying. Do you have any links to what happened?
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    Very funny take on different dog breed reactions

    @monk58 I remember seeing this one, and got a chuckle at how accurate it is!
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    Rhode Island Dog Owner Beware: K9 Instincts Board-to-Train

    @jk100991 The most shut down and fearful foster I had came from a board to train. This poor little guy would pee himself in fear All. The. Time. It was genuinely painful for me to see how terrified he had become. I got him because I had fostered him as an abandoned pup, and he went from me to...
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    77% off Large puzzle feeder

    @hellothere123 Such a great idea to buy a couple for the shelter! My pup only really enjoys the super tricky puzzle toys that I can swap treats for scents, but I grabbed a couple for the shelter. Thanks for sharing such an amazing deal for doggy enrichment!
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    I Pavlov’ed My Dog

    @kct29 This has me cracking up, because I also have a cat loving dog. My poor pup only wants to love them and snuggle them like the babies she seems to think they are. Most cats are not onboard with this plan. I'll be keeping this plan in my arsenal!
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    The deepest pain

    @mohitrucking I'm so sorry OP. I can't imagine trying to manage your little buddy's myriad of health issues as a first time owner. It must have been..a lot. There's no words really. You gave him a loving home and all the care possible. I hope you can eventually take some comfort in that. Hugs.