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    Merrick dog food changes ??

    @punziekate ive been thinking that they switched the recipe to something that a) doesn’t taste the same to them b) perishes a lot faster …. the last couple bags i got were pretty foul now that i look back on it. and they were all definitely from diff batches, so NOT good. hope your doggie...
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    Merrick dog food changes ??

    @abandonedbarns my two picky senior dogs liked it a lot actually, wasn’t too difficult + their sensitive stomach wet food line gives them the best poops ive ever seen
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    Merrick dog food changes ??

    @suzanne126 i have since switched to a different kibble.. mold and mildew can be very dangerous to dogs and didnt wanna take the risk. if you havent already, i would tbhink about switching to something else unfortunately :/ tried doing some research since i have some dogs with specific needs...
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    Merrick dog food changes ??

    to add: i saw someone else’s thread talking about merrick changes from 4 months ago just now. i feel i might be onto something with this..
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    Merrick dog food changes ??

    does anyone know if Merrick has made any changes to their recipes?? My 15yo F pug has been eating merrick kibble for years now, and my newly adopted 11yo F lab/husky has been eating it since i took her in (~1 year) and they are both currently struggling with diarrhea/upset tummies :( i noticed...