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    Q&A I wish I had read when I was struggling with puppy blues

    @vf6cruiser I love my boys and I'm happy I got them at 8 weeks old but no force on this Earth will ever convince me to get a puppy again. If aliens came to the planet and handed me a puppy and said accepting and raising it would clean the environment, cure cancer and stop war... I would really...
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    Does your pup have their own life you don’t know much about?

    @healthchristian My 2 go to a sitter when I work and 1 of them has a best friend I've never met or seen. The other one keeps "accidentally" getting into crates after a smaller dog has gotten into one and blocking the entrance so the other dog can't leave. He then takes a nap. He's not crate...
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    Dog just went out (and pooped) 2 hours ago--pooped on dining room floor

    @lissie Not really, no it isn't. It's not even abmormal in humans and we have a much slower GI tract than they do. Quick question, before I go and do all of the work for you, did you check any of the resources or have you just gone online to complain about your dog having to poop? Because this...
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    Dog just went out (and pooped) 2 hours ago--pooped on dining room floor

    @lissie So you haven't trained him to let you know when he has to potty offschedule? That's why he pooped on the floor. That's why he's going to poop on the floor again. Either train him better or invest in a good carpet cleaner. YouTube and every dog training website and book in existence has...
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    Dog just went out (and pooped) 2 hours ago--pooped on dining room floor

    @lissie That doesn't answer the question and also seems to assume most people have yards. Does your dog have a way to let you know when he has to go out? If he eats something bad and has diarrhea, how will you know he has to go out? What methods have you instituted for your dog to let you...
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    Dog just went out (and pooped) 2 hours ago--pooped on dining room floor

    @lissie Does he have a way of communicating to you when he needs to be taken out? My dog just sits at the door when he wants to go out at an unusual time
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    Entitled dog walkers

    @citywolf My dogs are leash reactive so I usually do my best to avoid other dogs during walks. I crossed the street to avoid two small dogs and their owner crossed with me. I crossed back and they crossed back. I was like, "Screw it. Let's just do this" and tightened my grasp on my leashes while...