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  1. C

    Dog Had Pups

    @biblebeliever70 I have a litter of 7 weeks old pups, mom allowed us to handle them right away (we didn’t go overboard just when necessary). By the time they were 3 weeks we were handling them all the time, by 4-5 weeks they were super social and confident. 5-7 weeks they LOVE people, crowd...
  2. C

    Mothers attitude after puppies

    @aenon We do! Only one person so far has been here that we could tell she was a bit nervous with. She knows the guy but it’s not someone she sees often! So glad that she trusts us and people in general, and doesn’t stress out when we need to move/handle the puppies!
  3. C

    Mothers attitude after puppies

    Is it normal/good that my dog doesn’t mind people being around/handling her puppies? I’m imagining it is, I just remember the first time I ever got a puppy and going to see it for the first time, the mom dog hated her owners getting too close to the puppies. It seems to be a common thing of...