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  1. L

    Used the “he’s not friendly!” line for the first time

    @coltproulx Nice job! I have fond memories of the first time I used that phrase too. We were on a walk late at night so it was dark and we weren't running into many people/dogs. We were cutting through the park and I could see that a guy was playing with his dog off leash a fairly long distance...
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    My dog lunged at a jogger - What could I have done differently?

    @kristendesouza This is the key. If you have a reactive dog you need to be hyper aware of what CAN happen. If there's a narrow path, then you cannot take it. What if a small child came running up? Or an unleashed dog? Or whatever your dog's biggest trigger is? You need an escape route at all...
  3. L

    So… when was the last time y’all had a vacation?

    @elise82 She says she's going to visit family abroad. I realize she didn't say where, but say she's going to Ireland from the US.... driving isn't exactly an option.
  4. L

    So… when was the last time y’all had a vacation?

    @alexkline I made a post in here about finding dog sitters not too long ago. Unfortunately it didn't get much traction and most people were just like "oh we have this amazing girl who is always available and just stays at our house" and I haven't had that kind of luck. Rover has been my best bet...
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    I can’t wait to be able to join my dog at the vet’s office

    @cobondservant I hate that I've never been able to meet my vet or see what goes on inside, but honestly I think it's better off that he's in there without me. A lot of his reactivity of specific to me and him wanting to protect me, so I think he's better off with me waiting in the car.