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  1. G

    How many days in a vial of Novolin N for doggo?

    My 7 year old pug/pomeranian mix was just diagnosed with diabetes yesterday. I am trying to get an idea of the financial cost of the medication to be prepared. He was proscribed 2 units twice daily of Novolin N 10mL 100u. How many days would the vial last. I want to be prepared if this will be a...
  2. G

    How Many Days for Novolin N Vial for Doggo?

    My 7 year old pug/pomeranian mix was just diagnosed with diabetes yesterday. I am trying to get an idea of the financial cost of the medication to be prepared. He was proscribed 2 units twice daily of Novolin N 10mL 100u. How many days would the vial last. I want to be prepared if this will be a...