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    I feel bad putting dogs up that frustrate me

    @kate22 Dogs can pick up on our energy and tone. If you are upset and frustrated with a dog they are going to act worse. Giving them and yourself a break from each other is the best practice.
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    Help keeping poodle coats detangled and cutting down on brush time?

    @tomdrew How old are they? 6-14 months it could be coat change. How often are you cutting their hair? Even just tipping the coat to maintain length but removing split ends does wonders. I'm not personally a big fan of ether of those shampoos but they aren't bad, just a little on the drying side...
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    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @otfl4jah Talk to your boss about raising prices. It will make you and them more money.
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    Affordable Brush Alternative

    @udliam I would never recommend a brush with plastic or rubber tips. They are usually cheaply made and the pins are filed smooth since they have a tip put on them. So once a tip falls off those sharp pins of the brush are exposed.
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    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @otfl4jah You need to charge more. Our prices are based on a hourly rate. For instance if a shiz tzu cut takes an hr and you charge $50 then that's your hourly. That number might be higher or lower based on your area and bills/shop costs. So if a doodle takes you 4 hours to do you charge them...
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    Affordable Brush Alternative

    @baotoan I am going to second this. I've had a cc for about 5-6 years and it's in great shape. My Les pooch brush lasted about 10 years of daily semi hard use. I had a zolitta and a gem knock off and they lasted about a year. I think they would work much better for an owner than a groomer...
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    Chris Christensen Big G v Big K?

    @kotizer I like pink for fluffy drying dog but prefer the black for brushing out dogs. Black has less pins so I find it breaks less coat then the pink when detangling. I own two of each though but if I had none and could only buy one I'd go for the big k aka the black one.
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    considering a spoo

    @ggv I'd recommend the FB group "new to showing poodles" for tons of good information about it. Also feel free to dm me any questions. I love poodles they are my heart breed and I am always willing to talk someone's ear off about them
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    considering a spoo

    @jwfletch It's completely ok to keep a poodle short! I have two and one is a show dog so kept very long the other is usually short on the body with a doodle face cause I think it looks cute. The best thing about poodles is you can make them look like anything, bedlington, poodle, lab, doodle...