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    When to start solid food?

    @savedthroughgrace I start slowly at 3 weeks old.
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    Labor progression

    @sandiebeach01 Usually too many puppies is over 12 or so, but if she's in bad condition, it is more likely she will need a c-section. If she's still eating, she's probably not in active labor. Most refuse food before.
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    [Discussion] Documentaries on Dogs

    @ssvegitto2 Quoting HSUS is very much like quoting PETA. Those organizations are quite similar.
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    English Bulldog Second Heat Cycle

    @timotheusq 7.5 months is a typical timeframe, but I've seen anywhere from 4 months to 18 months.
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    Is an 8 year old chihuahua too old to have puppies??

    @pinkstars86 Most likely this is too late for her to whelp easily.
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    Stud fees, am I asking for too much?

    @leorise34 That would definitely be something to do if you want some kind of cut of doing that work. I have always taken that as part of my natural responsibility, but my breed club's code of ethics includes "Breeders, whether owner of the stud dog or brood bitch, have equal responsibilities in...
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    Pregnant German shepherd feeding

    @workinprocess You don’t want to put too much weight on her before the last three weeks.
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    Stud fees, am I asking for too much?

    @leorise34 That depends on the arrangement between you and your friend -- most bitch owners will not ask for help with that. I have worked as a team with bitch owners and stud dog owners to help find good homes for nothing other than to place puppies in the best homes available, but then I also...
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    Surprised this sub doesn’t have more members

    @tp70000fun The reproduction Facebook groups are pretty informative. I don’t think there’s a lot of crossover with Reddit and dog breeders in general. I do think it could have great potential if it had more members though and was moderated heavily (no stud dog posts etc., discouraging backyard...
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    Who gets the puppy and the money from the litter

    @enpointe19 If the bitch is co-owned on paper with more than one person (you & her), all signatures have to be on the litter registration paper to register the litter. However, since she did it all herself, she may not have put your name on there too.
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    Stud fees, am I asking for too much?

    @leorise34 If this is a friend to friend agreement you need to just come up with something there; I think you probably got a lot for what you offered. As far as what is conventional, it varies wildly from breed to breed as far as what an acceptable stud fee is (lots of factors go into this such...
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    Who gets the puppy and the money from the litter

    @enpointe19 All signatures must be on registration for a litter for the dam, so no, she can't just breed the dog and have the puppies registered if you co-own. Also, if you are the primary owner of this dog (not in the AKC sense), just don't let her take the dog... can you buy her out to get off...
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    [Discussion] Documentaries on Dogs

    @dawney There will always be good people (competitors, breeders, judges) and bad people in any sport.
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    Building a breed from scratch

    @davecb How lucky to have a handling class taught by legends in the sport! They were definitely predominately afghan hounds, but they have had a few Salukis. I always enjoy showing to Michael, but never had the chance to show to Lee unfortunately! She liked my late special, but was no longer...
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    Do you get people asking for a reduced price because they have to drive to get a puppy from you?

    @sqs1 People don't ask, but it's almost guaranteed you'll have to travel some distance to get a Saluki.
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    [discussion] Are puppies genetically closer related to their littermates than to other non-littermate siblings from the same mom and dad?

    @tippymoondawg That is always interesting to me. If you had Merle twins, they would be Merled completely differently for instance because it’s random deletion and nobody would ever know.
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    How long to wait between litters?

    @thelonemusician28 Back to back is best for uterine health assuming the bitch bounces back. However, that is not necessarily the best choice for the breed (better to watch the litter grow up) or for the owner of the bitch (sometimes we need a break too). There’s a lot of variability in this.
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    Building a breed from scratch

    @davecb I wish I had the kind of money and resources where I could keep a large kennel of dogs happy! It would make breeding and moving forward so much easier.
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    Getting Started as a Breeder

    @jwfletch If I were in your shoes, and I did start with some males, I would do all of the things needed to get him health tested and take him into the ring and field. Then, if you still think he is a wonderful male after you have tested and tried to prove him, collect him for later use. If he is...
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    My dog is growling at her puppies- help? I've given yogurt and cottage cheese

    @hbgcamila A 40lb dog can have 18 500mg tums a day. I'd probably just give her 1 an hour for a while if it were my girl. It's not very available to dogs compared to other calcium supplements, but it works in a pinch.