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    So do y’all have treats on you basically 24/7?

    @mikea I love this response.
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    Wait to neuter?

    @abugah In several countries you dont neuter at all unless medically needed so i doubt waiting will have issues for your dog. Maybe look for a second opinion since you're worried about the knees?
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    So do y’all have treats on you basically 24/7?

    @procakes223 We dont. We mainly reward with praise or play. Sometimes toy or treat. I dont want a dog thats obsessed and expects treats every two seconds plus i got a breed that drools alot so it would be an absolute slobbery mess if we did. Treats are not the only way to train a dog, its way...
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    Dog poop

    @coolguy123 If hes anxious maybe keep him in your bedroom at night? You will also hear if he starts moving around. Might be as easy as he just needs to feel more secure. Not sure neutering will do anything for this situation.
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    Partner and I took on 2 pups from the same litter. Week 2…

    @taz77777 So yours are still puppies? As ive understood it the possible issues will show when they are older if they are not raised mostly separately. They may bond to each other more than you. This can cause severe anxiety if they ever need to be apart (like vet visit or whatever). It can be...
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    Partner and I took on 2 pups from the same litter. Week 2…

    @taz77777 To keep them separated and rotate? Why even bother?
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    Returning puppy to shelter today

    @san422 You did a stupid, impulsive decision getting that puppy but you are doing the right thing now. Atleast you know how your family would behave if you're thinking of getting other pets in the future. Best of luck and remember, this is the best for the dog.
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    Partner and I took on 2 pups from the same litter. Week 2…

    @beaconlight94 Just realise it will likely be double the work and half the fun. Theres no shame in giving one back to the so called breeder. In fact, it would probably be the best thing to do for everyone involved.
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    “Wake up before your dog, it’ll help them sleep in longer” yeah thanks now he wakes up at 4:45am

    @accelerator Lol same here. I think it can be breed related...
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    Can certain toys make a dog more agressive, or be emotionally unhealthy for a dog?

    @sendkod Seems like it encourages prey drive. Some breeds need to get an outlet for it (like ratter dogs etc). What breed is he? I probably wouldnt use it if i had a cat in the house but im not an expert in prey drive behaviour.. you will get better replies im sure! Best of luck
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    Partner and I took on 2 pups from the same litter. Week 2…

    @momovich1 Yeah look at that crazy mix of breeds aswell. Totally BYB and not a woopsie litter.
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    My dog(F 1 Year old)tried to hump my arm

    @shstlws01 Agreed haha! And what if the dog IS gay? What then?