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  1. J

    Trying to decide if I should put my lab mix (f/8) with anxiety down

    @ttobe2 Setting aside the relationship issues in your post for the moment, it sounds to me like this may have a medical cause. It can be tough to tell with am already anxious dog, but an abrupt behavior change in an older dog with no obvious trigger is very likely medical. I would definitely ask...
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    Food suggestion/ questions

    @common2man Neither grain-free (DCM) nor raw (pathogen risk to your dog, your household, and the broader community) is a very safe option for your dog. Stick with a WSAVA-compliant food, as those are backed by science and research, rather than by marketing budgets alone.
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    How can I keep my dog still after surgery? They said she couldn’t walk for two weeks but she’s walking 7 hours after and I can’t keep her still

    @faith4l Need some clarification here - were you instructed to not take the dog for walks for two weeks, or she is not to be weight bearing at all? I suspect the former.
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    Advice About Adding a Second Potentially Reactive Dog to Our Home?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast This is such a fantastic and thoughtful approach to intros. I really just wanted to take a second to applaud the work you put in. 👏
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    Does it ever get better? What more could we be doing? Reaching the end of our rope

    @chiere So, in the example of the dog-reactive dog, you do start by treating every time they see a dog, but you don't just keep shoving treating in their face in perpetuity - that's just the first step to shaping the behavior you want. Generally, you want to move from there to engage/disengage...
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    @youngdisciple1 Don't worry about this person, OP. I rarely pay attention to usernames, but I recognize this one as someone who is hilariously wrong all over dog Reddit. This is not a you problem - as others have explained, there is a big difference for dogs being turned loose in a daycare...
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    Y’all, don’t use easywalk harnesses!

    @cathya I'm not a fan of EasyWalk harnesses, but this seems like it's more an improperly fitted harness problem, not a problem with the design of the harness itself. Any harness is escapade if you don't have it adjusted correctly.
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    My italian greyhound mix (8,F) is experiencing multiple symptoms of something I don't know

    @davidpeter1 Your dog needs to see a vet ASAP. Impossible to diagnose over the internet, but your dog is clearly in a lot of pain (the shaking is likely pain, not cold) and distress. Please find a way to take her to the emergency.
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    My reactive dog got back to the shelter today. Absolutely heartbroken and angry

    @revmike10 Also "antistress food." Say what, now?
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    I can’t wait to be able to join my dog at the vet’s office

    @ronit Yeah, I always call when I arrive with my reactive dog, and we wait outside either in the car or sniffing around a grassy area nearby until they have an exam room ready and a dog-free waiting room. It's great for us, and they're happy to do it because it means a way less stressed dog to...
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    @cowgirlup727 I totally get it. I have to vlbe very conscious of the same issue. Especially during the pandemic, since training and hanging out with the dogs is pretty much all we do anymore. This community has been am awesome outlet for my need to talk about this stuff with people who actually...
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    @cowgirlup727 I mean this very gently, but while it's fine that your dog is the center of your world, she is not the center of your friend's world. I suspect that a very high percentage of your conversations are about your struggles with S because your friend is such a supportive listener, and...
  13. J

    E collar help or how to keep 2 dogs from fighting???

    @doks Also sounds like two female dogs, and SSA is so common in GSDs. This is just not setting up either dog for success.