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  1. K

    I’m so sick of entitled customers (rant)

    @worshiplady3 Worked for corporate, private and am currently doing my own venture, and let me tell ya… assholes are everywhere. I had a new client come in just yesterday, ask for her dog “who we always keep long” to go “as short as possible”, showed her my comb guards and let her pick (she...
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    When to the local Pet Supplies Plus this morning and…

    @jay2242 That’s exactly what I was thinking, and for it to happen three times just this year, with yesterday being the start of the 8th month… Blew my mind for sure, and I was both happy but so sad to witness it. They weren’t even being outlandish or anything. It was like the manager going...
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    When to the local Pet Supplies Plus this morning and…

    As I’m walking in, there’s seven people standing by “the manager’s room” yelling and arguing with the manager and cashier. They all exclaim “I QUIT!”, and march out the door. I’m in disbelief, and so freaking proud of my fellow pet stylists/groomers, but I still needed cat food. Once I get...
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    What’s y’all’s biggest pet peeve?

    @here2helpyou I had an older guy come in while I was finishing his dude’s last foot yesterday, and I was maybe two seconds from getting it done. His dog was doing great and then all of a sudden he called him and his dog starts getting antsy. Then he starts SCREAMING at his dog, telling him...
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    What’s y’all’s biggest pet peeve?

    @devincamary I have a list. LOL 1) “Get the nails as short as possible” - “I always do, that’s my job. How about we set them up for a nail trim for four to six weeks from now?” - “No, I’ll call you when they need it.” 2) “How long will it take?” - “Depends on your dog/cat, if I can get them...
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    How are corporate groomers doing 15+ dogs a day?

    @p1saint This is so true. My partner’s aunt works at a boarding facility in South Carolina and when she asked me how many dogs I groom a day, laughed and replied with “I groom about 30 a day on average”… I asked to see pictures and they were all one length everywhere, no longer than maybe a 4...
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    Shampoo Rec please! Weekly baths on a large dog

    @rlneub As a groomer, and someone who formerly worked at a veterinarian office, I really wouldn’t recommend washing more than once every four weeks (minimum), unless there is a medical issue with medicated shampoo. It’s good that he isn’t drying out, but we all need natural oils to keep healthy...
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    What question from owners makes you short-circuit at it’s stupidity?

    @wehyee I love when I tell them “it’s the law, all dogs, cats and ferrets over four months of age are required by NYS to be vaccinated for rabies.” Some like to argue that their 8+ year old dog had its rabies vaccine as a puppy, so that should be enough… it’s not… And cat owners are like “he’s...
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    “Sir...this is not PetSmart...”

    @macb I used to get those people all the time when I worked at Petsmart and PETCO, lol. I’m like “dude, I do not know you, I am not your groomer.... I don’t even know my sisters phone number”. People are so crazy sometimes! And yes, the anger level they have, just blows my mind. I can’t...
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    “Sir...this is not PetSmart...”

    @ralitza This makes me laugh on so many levels because, even though my experience with this type of situation is far and few in between, it’s always funny when someone makes this type of mistake and blames the store or the groomers. When I was at PETCO (we had a Petsmart probably about two or...
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @loveisthelaw99 I absolutely feel you on that. I can only judge people based on their actions, and they are not in control of someone else’s actions. Plus, if I couldn’t see Charlie, Sammy, Nova, Luna, Sassy (cat) and Sugar I would be really upset. They’re all great and have the ability to...
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @kings9111 I did not sign any paperwork that stated they could use photos of me, or my grooms, or my likeness. I kept copies of everything I signed, and when they argued that I did, they couldn’t provide their version of the truth. A friend of mine was the one who told me that they were using...
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @kings9111 That’s amazing! Maizie’s mom is gold and I love her! And seriously! Thank you so much for saying so. ❤️ I really try to do right by my clients and treat them and their pets like family. I used to be “that groomer” who only dealt with neglect and abuse cases, with aggressive dogs...
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @kings9111 Dude! Absolutely! And my clients who had recommended me to her, wouldn’t even had known if she wasn’t like “I can’t believe you told me to go to her, she’s awful” or whatever she said to them. Like she put herself on blast and confirmed that those people are truly as awesome as I...
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @drmoses This is why my dogs and now cat are vaccinated for everything, just so they’re protected, covered and everything is good. You aren’t trying to waste anyone’s time, you’re a medical professional, you know what you’re talking about. They themselves are fully to blame for the wasted...
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @drmoses OMG! When I worked (my job description was “groomer” but I was forced to do more, unpaid… 😑) at a boarding/daycare facility and manned the phones and “intake” paperwork… CONSTANTLY did I have people scream at me over the phone because “WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY NEED THE DISTEMPER, KENNEL...
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @jwfletch 😂 Possibly! I’m in NY and we have our own type of crazies!
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @smaxiner I absolutely loved them before telling her off, but now I’m like, “how can I show my appreciation?”. Guess who’s dogs are getting free spa upgrades next visit!
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    Has an owner asked for a shave down that was necessary?

    @evall I have a lot of regular clients who understand that brushing just isn’t going to happen because of work schedules, kids, their dogs do water based sports, they’re outdoorsy, etc and opt for a short sweet shave down every 6-8 weeks. I’ve had a few new clients become repeat clients after...
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    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @aspiller1998 The entitlement of people is tooooo real now a days. I had a lady yesterday morning text me at 730am to get her “dog in TODAY”. I do not text clients earlier than 9am UNLESS it’s a situation like, me or a family member having a medical emergency or them texting to cancel their...