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    German Shepherd Separation Anxiety

    @tbkm The number 1 most important thing here in my opinion is how much exercise is he getting? GSDs need a Lot of exercise, hours worth, every day. If they don’t, they get behavioral problems. They’re working dogs, unlike many other breeds. They also need mental stimulation every day. They need...
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    Need help with training morals, my head hurts lol

    @doks We're talking about training dogs. Training. Dogs. We're literally on the topic of methods used by people to train dogs. So, yes, we're specifically talking about things done directly by people to their dogs to train them and the topic is R+ training. She uses only R+ and calls anyone...
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    Need help with training morals, my head hurts lol

    @doks There is and it doesn't work. I know someone who does this and fanatically claims that even P- is abuse. Her previous dog was a mess and her newer one (she must be 3 or so now) is a mess. It's very sad for the dogs, but she's so angry and fanatical nobody is brave enough to talk to...
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    Need help with training morals, my head hurts lol

    @nc17 The most fanatic R+ person I know has a really, really soft lab. However, because this trainer is absolutely against ever saying the word no or ever telling the poor dog what she shouldn't do, the poor dog is a mess. It works as well as never telling a small child no. If you only ever...
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    My 4 y.o. ate a jar full of bacon fat

    @axedroid Mine has eaten an entire stick of butter a couple times. He was fine!
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @nicolas19 How is his heeling? With mine I tried all the usually tricks recommended, but for some reason he didn't get it until he learned formal heeling. I've never had a dog have an issue like that before, but for whatever reason it connected the dots for him. He took to heeling immediately...