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  1. W

    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @littleowlet I'm not going to lie, when I moved out on my own and took my dog with me I did this when she acted out. My mom is a firm believer of dominance training and that's what I grew up with and "it seemed to work" so I didn't question it. But then I stopped. In part because I'm not that...
  2. W

    Vets should offer a dog acclimatization program for fearful dogs

    @realmajor1001 How do you find a fear free clinic? Asking cause one of my dogs is very anxious and have now been traumatized by my current vet who decided that the answer to a fearful squirrelly dog was to get three people to hold him down while forcing him through it all...