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  1. J

    Am I a bad dog owner?

    @elaineb97 Thank you so much! This really gave me lots of confidence in my "parenting"!!
  2. J

    Am I a bad dog owner?

    @froze That is actually so well said. Maybe you should have a chat with my mom xD. Ok but on a serious note, thank you so much for this message, this really means a lot to me!
  3. J

    Am I a bad dog owner?

    @clarinetscore I actually had a great laugh at your comment, thinking about it now it is actually quite ridiculous, I dont even know where she gets all of these nonsense ideas from on how my dog should be handled. Thank you so much, you made me feel so much better about this whole conversation!!
  4. J

    Am I a bad dog owner?

    @raymondg As a matter of fact, she really doesn't. Although it sometimes was quite stressful taking care of him all on my own, in hindsight, I'm so glad my mom didn't get involved in raising him, because i really do not wanna know how he would've turned out if she did.
  5. J

    Am I a bad dog owner?

    @niaa Thank you so much! I never thought about it that way, i sometimes forget that dogs experience a whole different world from hearing and smelling instead of just exploring with their eyes!
  6. J

    Am I a bad dog owner?

    @masonp Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have no idea how uplifting this comment has been. I really appreciate it. I technically know that my mom has lots of issues that she unconsciously takes out on me, so ive learned to always take what she says with a grain of salt...or a whole package...
  7. J

    Am I a bad dog owner?

    Hello everybody! Today I (F/18) had an argument with my mom about my dog and now I'm genuinely questioning if im a bad dog owner or not. Here's a little bit about my baby: he's a 2 year old mix and we got him from the shelter when he was about 3 months old. Ever since we got him, hes been my...