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  1. C

    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @shellyslioneyes She is perfectly capable and happy with regular walking on the leash. The problem is she does refuse to go potty(specifically poo) on leash.
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @malgo It seems like “Usually comes back” means she never actually gave him proper training and she just thought she could trust him. If a dog is properly trained they look at you for permission to do any/everything. My dog won’t follow me through an open door unless I tell her to. But I know...
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @warriorprincess4life I wish I did. It wouldn’t be a problem if I did tho
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @amenomegami7 Looking for advice, not judgement. Thank you
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @chopper1690 Thank you, I do have an extendable leash (I think 15ft) but I’m going to get a non extendable long leash so she doesn’t have to drag a plastic box around
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @preachermanrkl Thank you for sharing an example and also address ing the training issue. I did specifically train that when I first got her and now she WILL NOT go past a barrier I don’t explicitly say she can (front door, crate door, car door, balcony door, bedroom door) I’ll have to get her...
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @lords_servant_02 You have not given me a single bit of advice, all you’ve done is criticize. If you actually read the comments you’ll see I’ve been discussing different ways to train her with people that have actually given me advice. You just seam like a bored keyboard warrior
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @lords_servant_02 What’s alarming is you being okay with a dog giving itself health issues out of stubbornness. If she weren’t and able to listen to me I wouldn’t walk her off leash. I might not know her personality but I know she is obedient. The first three weeks she absolutely stayed on her...
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @moof44 I’ll post an update for sure. She’s a great gal we just have to iron out some minor kinks. I appreciate the quick responses
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @moof44 She’s a mixed breed, I think some bully breed mixed with a lab or something. She’s very intelligent and aside from that one thing she is also very trainable. When I got her a month ago all she could do is sit. Now I got her crate trained, she has a near perfect stay(5minutes and...
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @moof44 I get it, it was common for me too growing up. Stray and feral dogs also were so having a leash for your dogs safety at all times is a must for me too. I’ve had dogs my whole life (this is my first one as an adult) but I’ve never come across this amount of stubbornness. I also live in a...
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @moof44 I do use a “go potty” when she pees and every time I see her squat to poop, along with a ton of praise (I’m stone faced and boring during walks until she actually goes). I’ll try to incorporate the leash again since she’s going on command off leash but my theory is her previous owner...
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @dog This is the main reason I posted, she doesn’t react to loud situations (I’ve tested in controlled environments) and stays focused on me around other dogs. I do ALWAYS carry the lash regardless of if she is on it or not. I’m just having a lot of difficulties teaching her the leash is okay...
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @coolpeeps Like I’ve said in previous replies, I absolutely agree, but the issue at hand is her potty habits and her health. Do you have any tips?
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @wildatheart41 My lack of a car makes that impossible unfortunately
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @shelly_s I get that, hence why I posted. Do you have any training tips? Have you ever been in a similar position? I would love a solution. I always have her leash regardless so she’s easy to put back on it if I see an individual is uncomfortable so they don’t feel threatened or anything
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @curtisptrsn That’s understandable so I do only walk her off leash when I know she needs to use the bathroom (2 times daily) the rest of the walks are on leash
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    @someoneig I’m very sorry that happened, i hope everything goes smoothly in recovery.
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    It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

    For context there are no dog parks within walking distance of my apartment so no “legal” place to leave her off leash, she is a well behaved and trained mixed breed and has no problem being on the leash aside from potty time, When she is off leash she has a good recall and stays close to me even...