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  1. J

    Sudden intense fighting between my dogs. Help or kind words appreciated

    @skylarward Victoria Stilwell has a few videos on YouTube with similar issues. The behaviourist should be able to help. I suppose the idea is to encourage friendly behaviour again, but it'll be a two-person job. Definitely do not in any way reward the aggression. Aggression means they get no...
  2. J

    1.5 year old border/aussie only reactive when I’m with her

    @angelaliens Here are the possible reasons I can think of: She feels more secure around you, and can express herself. Obviously not entirely confident or she wouldn't need to bark/lunge. Something you do in reaction to her behaviour has (incorrectly) led her to believe this is what you want her...
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    New dog trainer, about to meet my very first dog client. Where & how should we meet?

    @erics I'd like to hear your reasoning. What do you expect to happen with a home visit?
  4. J

    New dog trainer, about to meet my very first dog client. Where & how should we meet?

    @melissac If the dog has no issues with visitors entering the home, then I would personally prefer to start there. If there's a risk that my entry-without-introduction would ruin the visit then I would take more care and meet them on neutral ground before heading back together. But I would save...