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  1. S

    Washing Ears

    @sharklordy Thanks! I've read a ton of info on furry ears and it seems people are pretty split on plucking or not. I have heard of dogs who don't get them plucked and are fine as long as they get cleaned on the regular, and I've heard some people get them plucked and the ears are good too. The...
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    Washing Ears

    @bettylpjs No other skin issues or any medical issues, just the one ear. I switched her from a puppy food to a grain-free red meat diet (Acana Ranchlands I think is the new one). She is way more excited about her food now and is eating better than before, plus her poops look fantastic now haha...
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    Washing Ears

    @inhissight Thanks for the great reply! I will look into Chlorhexiderm flush. I think the new rinse says it dries them out, I will check. I wish I had brought it to the vet today but I will check with him by phone. I do use a ton of the rinse when I do her ears, I fill them up like you say but...
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    Washing Ears

    @mimi87 Awesome, thanks! I did once try and use a tampon to clean the ear out but of course that didn't work lol
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    Washing Ears

    @bettylpjs Thank you for these really clear directions!!
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    Washing Ears

    @mimi87 Oh thanks so much, those are all really great tips especially the ice pack thing. I have tried keeping her ear open with a clip (when she had long hair I could clip it to). It didn't work though, she'd shake it off immediately even when distracted by peanut butter. I will try a bandana...
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    Washing Ears

    I have a 10 month old shih tzu/yorkie poo mix who has had constant ear problems since I got her. I know this is a breed thing what with her floppy, fur-stuffed ears and I have gone to the vet about it. When she's scratching a lot or they stink/have signs of infection (red, inflamed, smelly, dark...