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  1. S

    Experience with cutaneous horn?

    An update in case anyone comes across this – it got pretty big and stuck around for a couple of months, but it never seemed to bother her and then one day it was suddenly gone 🤷🏻‍♀️ We never found it, so I’m assuming it fell off outside.
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    Experience with cutaneous horn?

    @aheinig That’s very reassuring to hear, thank you!
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    Experience with cutaneous horn?

    @abc123xyz Ahhh, that sounds stressful 😅 Glad to hear it turned out okay!
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    Experience with cutaneous horn?

    My dog has a cutaneous horn on her face. We’re visiting the vet again in a couple of weeks because it’s gotten quite a bit bigger than it was when we first had it checked out. If anyone here has had experience with this, I’d love to hear about it! I think we will likely want to get it removed...
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    Dealing with a potential food allergy

    Barley is my current suspect 🕵️‍♀️ Perhaps she has a gluten intolerance.
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    Dealing with a potential food allergy

    One potential lead: her kibble brand changed formulas, and I think the bag she was on when all of this started was the first one with the new formula. They added the following: Any likely suspects here?
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    Dealing with a potential food allergy

    @developer2021 Very interesting – thank you so much for sharing!!
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    Dealing with a potential food allergy

    @developer2021 Really appreciate this, thank you! I’m assuming it was a similar situation where your dog had been okay with their food initially but then developed some kind of insensitivity? Or did they have trouble with food all along?
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    Dealing with a potential food allergy

    We'll be visiting our vet this week, but in the meantime I'm wondering if anyone has theories / suggestions / similar experiences. This all started with my dog throwing up blood a few weeks ago, and I think I've now narrowed the cause down to her kibble. Mid-July Began Prednisone for suspected...