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  1. J

    Help me get a better groom as a client

    @mangolime17 Be very careful in using any sort of terminology like 'blending', 'long', etc. without a visual reference. You seem (and bless you for it!) to want a real poodle puppy clip. It's nearly impossible to describe this verbally to someone who is not familiar with it. Get Shirlee...
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    Humanity vs Vanity

    @123456christian No, no deal. Never agree to dematting. For all the reasons stated, it's cruel, gives the dog a bad experience, etc.
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    Had my first Karen today, feeling discouraged…

    @svjoyner You can be certain that she will burn every groomer in her catchment area. Maybe incorporate a height/ weight classification on dogs that you can invoke as needed. 'Large' and XLarge' can be disputed, numbers can't. You can have discretion if you have a well-behaved muscular...
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    How did my pup's first groom go so wrong, and how do I prevent it in the future (without sounding like a total B)?

    @champollion This was not your dog's 'first groom'. You've been grooming her daily, and bathing her weekly, as you've said here. Yes, communication seems to be the issue."This is a show dog. I want a show groom. Do you groom Havanese for conformation shows? Have YOU groomed Havanese for...
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    Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

    @dtrpogod Absolutely. It's not the least bit cruel, and your dogs will be comfortable. Keep after the muzzle hair; clean face and clean feet are neat and attractive. Avoid the droopy-hair -over- the -eyes look, too, for their ability to see, cleanliness, and health. If you clip in the direction...
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    Lies the doodle breeder told them…(feel free to add your own)

    @junior2708 This. Is. Terrifying. Add to it the $$$$ "breeders" are charging for doodle/poos. P. T. Barnum was right, there's a sucker born every minute. And it's the dogs who suffer.
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    level 4(?) bite, no warning. Need advice please

    @scottwilson Lunged and bit with no warning. 90 pounds. Hospital, stitches, record of having bitten a person. I'm less worried about the trauma the dog may suffer going forward, because a dog we have as a pet has to have a HUGE threshold to reach before he bites someone. So the dog is having...
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    I can’t do this anymore

    @englishreformed You are allowed to be done with this dog. I think that the risk is too great, to keep a dog who bites with no warning. Your liability is massive, because you know this dog is a fearful biter who gives no warning. Rescues do not want the liability of a biter, either. And very few...
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    Shampoo Rec please! Weekly baths on a large dog

    @rlneub Are you sure he is just allergic to plants? Fragrances and colors are main causes of sensitivities and allergies to products. Get unscented /hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner. Dilute it at least 10x and wet the dog thoroughly before you apply the shampoo, and rinse it out very, very...
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    My groomer nipped my dog. Wants to go through her insurance and I’m annoyed and upset about it

    @_h_ Best of luck, many layers here. I hope your dog feels better right away.
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    It’s me, the perfectly behaved dog at the bar patio

    @mauricio512 This is a single case study. No part of this experience can be generalized to another owner or dog. Taking this at face value, it is good to hear of their success. Never forget that a reactive dog is a liability risk that you must constantly manage.
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    Q: why was my fluffy dog given a buzz cut?

    @redruthie7889 "Brushing" has always been a misnomer. You have to comb, down to the skin, all over the entire dog, legs, tail, ears, head, armpits, and especially any areas covered by a collar or harness. Certainly brush first, then check your work with a comb. Brushes slide right over tangles...
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    Shampoo suggestions

    @yourking If it smells a lot, you've failed to rinse it out. That's my main concern because poorly rinsed product causes sores.
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    I feel bad putting dogs up that frustrate me

    @stonney66 Yes, you are absolutely right, it's hard enough to safely clip / shave off mats. I should never have implied it was easy. And I hope owners know that trying to scissor off mats is the most dangerous of all.
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    My groomer nipped my dog. Wants to go through her insurance and I’m annoyed and upset about it

    @_h_ *Nicked is a clipper or scissor injury. *Nipped is bitten by another animal. A vet is very clear on the difference. Did you see the injury when you picked up your dog? How long before you went to the vet? Was the injury shaved and photoed when you got it treated at the vet?
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    I feel bad putting dogs up that frustrate me

    @kate22 Consider that dematting is too stressful for a dog. It is completely the result of owner neglect. So you can tell the owner that you have to clip the dog closely, and they can begin brushing, combing, and detangling fresh from now. But you will never demat again. Or say that 5 minutes is...
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    My friend’s GSD mix just attacked her 1 y/o son. She sees nothing wrong with this. Help?

    @anadascal Hospitals are obligated to report animal bites to the 'animal inspector', possible the dog officer, animal control, board of health. You could call the hospital anonymously (how can we do that these days?) and give all the names, address, age of child, and circumstances of the bite...
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    Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

    @rickytheevangelist Always bring photos. Communication of what you want is key; grooming has specialized terminology (like 'puppy clip') that no one agrees on the meaning. That said, are you certain she was tangle-and mat-free? That's on you. If her hair is tangle-free, you have more options...
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    Rhode Island Dog Owner Beware: K9 Instincts Board-to-Train

    @jk100991 Thank you for posting. I wish these criminals can be put out of business. And board-to-train operations leave out the most important factor of all, which is training the owner to elicit the desired behavior from their own dog. This makes them a SCAM, people. There's no regulation...
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    We’ve had some serious groomer drama and I’d love your thoughts

    @rhoda I am ignorant of the congenital problems with Newfoundlands. No knees? Yikes. I think you need to learn to participate actively in your dog's grooming care, because it is only a matter of time when he won't be up to an eight hour day. You doing an hour or so a day of grooming will lessen...