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  1. J

    Buyer’s Remorse…

    @imagebeastmarkbeast +1 to this!! Touch is a really fun command to practice and generalize too. Once your pup masters touching your palm, have them touch a book, your phone, a door, etc. My dog just turned 1 and it's so fun to see him learn and mature. OP you're gonna be alright! Dogs are a...
  2. J

    Should I shave my puppy’s balls?

    @almostadult I thought this thread was going in a VERY different direction haha
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    Getting Started as a Breeder

    @walkinthewoods I really appreciate this response. You've given me a lot to think about :) I absolutely love the breed, and the more I'm learning about the whole world of dog sports and breeding, I want to contribute in a meaningful way.
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    Getting Started as a Breeder

    @kurat That does make sense... I've considered getting a well bred female in the future and starting by breeding them once or twice, but I def can not handle the training and care for 2 dogs quite yet.
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    Getting Started as a Breeder

    Hi everyone, I am interested in (one day) breeding my 2 y/o male Irish setter, and I want to make sure I'm going about this in a responsible way. So far, I know I need the following: Health testing: Using what I found on the breed club's website, I'm planning to have him tested for the...
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    considering a spoo

    @synergist Good to know, ty! I think I need to learn the different numbers for the razors to get the lengths I have in mind
  7. J

    dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

    @knr80 What a disaster. Classic case of "Florida woman", amirite? 😅
  8. J

    considering a spoo

    @rachelr15 Good point! Seems fun to experiment with the different options over time
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    considering a spoo

    Hi 👋 my partner and I are considering a curly haired breed like a standard poodle or portuguese water dog for our next dog. I can handle regular grooming (e.g. some light daily brushing, brushing teeth, occasional ear rinse). I have a 1 y/o Irish setter right now and I think we are keeping him...