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  1. M

    9 M/O Belgian Malinois Lunged at and bit arm while training

    @tippymoondawg Haha yes they are! It just really took me off guard that he would do that. Thankfully I believe I took the right course of discipline with him, not enough to ruin him. Both my trainers have raised mals and one breeds them. He was a dream today in training (thank goodness) and...
  2. M

    9 M/O Belgian Malinois Lunged at and bit arm while training

    @glorifiedmission17 As I replied below we came to the decision he was being a jerk, in a playful way. I'm not ever going to give my boy up, I just wanted to see what/if other people have done those things in situations like that. He knew and saw that I had his toy in the other hand, and bit at...
  3. M

    9 M/O Belgian Malinois Lunged at and bit arm while training

    @alexandru After discussing with my trainer, we came to the conclusion he was just being a playful A-hole. (haha in a Maligator way) Which I took care of right then. After training today he was a doll! Very careful not to get mom ;) so I think he is going to be fine. Thank you for your response...
  4. M

    9 M/O Belgian Malinois Lunged at and bit arm while training

    I have a 9 month old Belgian Malinois. We are training in I.P.O/ schutzhund. We haven't even come close to decoy work or sleeve. We have only worked on out commands when it comes to toys. I was just working his "Sit stay" and right when I was about to release him he lunged at my arm and bit it...