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  1. F

    Monthly Off-Leash Dog Rant Megathread

    @cobondservant A neighbor had their two dogs off leash in front of their house. A residental neighborhood where dogs MUST be kept on leash by law. We passed them without an issue and my dog did so well. When we were already around the corner one of the dogs chased after us, the owner ran after...
  2. F

    My 2 y/o large shepherd bit my dad today

    @raneubb I have absolutely no idea, some people use the downvote just because they do not fully agree, rather than discussing.
  3. F

    My 2 y/o large shepherd bit my dad today

    @raneubb I feel you, my dog constantly tries to protect the apartment from visitors I invite over. It doesn’t even matter if she loves those people outside of our home, she sees them as a thread as soon as we‘re inside the house. She is a shepherd mix and I know I have to get her clear signs...