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  1. B

    Mexican street puppy adopted. Need some help

    Thanks for the help. Got moderately good news. We fed electrolytes and a suplement via syrenge and she has a little bit more energy now than yesterday. Can walk around the 6x6m backyard a little, take a (not white anymore) diarreah shit, smell a plant here and there and go back to bed every few...
  2. B

    Mexican street puppy adopted. Need some help

    @jely Yes, we are giving her stuff to drink, but only small amounts every hour, because she is gagging a little bit and having trouble keeping it in. Gonna buy some electrolite drink later, anyone knows if there are any that don't have a disgusting (assumingly for the dog) taste? And good news...
  3. B

    Mexican street puppy adopted. Need some help

    Hey guys, My girlfriend and me adopted a little puppy from the street. Her grandma found 6 puppies (2 already dead) inside a plastic bag in front of the tire of her parked car. Since we wanted a dog anyways, we adopted one of the girls. Unfortunately she is very sick, so we took her to the vet...