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    Dog suddenly lame

    @fashionatta Licensed veterinary technician here......Definitely search for an ER in your area. If not doable, keep him calm and quiet. You've been through surgery recovery so you know what those restrictions were. Same thing until you can get him in with the vet tomorrow. Try to calm down...
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    Puppy has low platelet count and wbc

    @tiffany1103 I do have to say that I certainly wouldn't have waited until day 3 to do a chemistry profile. Kidney and liver values are critical to formulating a diagnosis. CBC is also, but it's like looking at half of a photograph, you know?
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    Puppy has low platelet count and wbc

    @tiffany1103 Well, a second opinion never hurts especially if you have doubts about the current care. Get copies of all bloodwork and what's been done treatment wise. Switching to st doxycycline isn't a bad idea at all. If this is a tick borne illness, doxy is a good start. False negatives can...
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    Puppy has low platelet count and wbc

    @tiffany1103 Oh, wow! That's a whale of a drop in just two days time. Everything was at the low end of normal but wow! I'd still be thinking something tick related or toxin related. Is she still on antibiotics? Do you know which ones? I know you're scared as anything, I'd be too. Does the vet...
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    Puppy has low platelet count and wbc

    @tiffany1103 Awww, poor little thing! :( And those eyes! Her little face certainly is saying "I don't feel good..." Huh, so this kind of hit her over night? Confusing to say the least but does happen sometimes. I'm in the US, but I've talked with people from the Philippines here on reddit...
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    Puppy has low platelet count and wbc

    @tiffany1103 Yeah, her other results are technically normal but many on the low end of normal. If he's repeating the CBC, doing a chemistry profile along with it would be a good idea. Parvo and distemper tests are still warranted even with her vaccine history as it's still possible to contract...
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    Tomorrow I take our reactive Corgi back to the breeder and my wife and I are devastated. This is our story

    @monk58 Frankly, there's children that SHOULD be "rehomed" but sadly, sometimes tragically, they aren't. Yes, we bring baggage. I'm a 30+ year licensed veterinary technician. Boy, have I got baggage! But a lot of that baggage is from truth which leads me to trust my gut instincts on a given...
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    Puppy has low platelet count and wbc

    @tiffany1103 Veterinary technician here.....Wow, I'm so sorry your pup isn't doing well right now. Were these the only results out of whack? Do you have a copy you can post? Is there any possibility of toxin exposure? Raiding of the garbage? Has a stool check been done, in particular for...
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    Continuously getting hives pit bull mix

    @virtualhope Licensed veterinary technician here.....I'd seriously consider seeing a veterinary dermatologist for your pup. You can do a hydrolyzed protein food diet but it's an 8 week plus thing and absolutely no other food/treats can be given.
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    P.S.A. for dog parents

    @dudr17 Sounds good. Small breeds like your pup can be prone to tracheal issues anyway, so having her checked is a good idea. :)
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    P.S.A. for dog parents

    @dudr17 Not a problem. :) Anytime.
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    P.S.A. for dog parents

    @dudr17 Veterinary technician here....Kudos for your quick thinking! You had quite a scare. Keep close watch on her for any respiratory symptoms though in case she aspirated any pieces or crumbs or if she injured her trachea at all, ok? I'd suggest calling her vet and explaining what happened...
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    Tomorrow I take our reactive Corgi back to the breeder and my wife and I are devastated. This is our story

    @sloanep As a cynical vet tech, I desperately hope this dog is fixed. If not, I would not at all be surprised that the "breeder" will breed this dog. The "farm" thing is a red flag to me. When "breeders" say medicating is bad plus they are on a "farm", it's never good. Seen it WAY too many times...
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    My 6 y/o mutt is now into his second week of not eating, vet is baffled

    @mminer237 Don't add it without talking to your vet. Frankly, there isn't any consistent regulation of quality nor is there sufficient research evidence on the safety of it long or short-term. As a side note, just like humans, grief is a very real thing for dogs and cats and the depression it...