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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @imagebeastmarkbeast My girlfriend is calling doggy hotels as we speak. I’m gonna bring them there myself if she won’t of her own accord. I would take them myself but I have dogs at home and these dogs aren’t friendly to others
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @allbutnone Thank you, I’m glad I reached out here. I don’t feel like a crazy person anymore.
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @richeal Thanks! I love animals, and the thought of one being uncomfortable for absolutely no reason but convenience pisses me off. So, here we are lol
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @allbutnone I offered to pay for boarding and she’s excluded me from the planning now. She said she’s found someone else. The person she’s got in lieu of me and my girlfriend doesn’t think it’s right either so they’re going to be boarded either way. I’m going to make sure of it, whether she...
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @crucinatius I’ve suggested boarding or having a sitter come and she’s come back to me refusing with her “great plan” any advice on how to say this is wholly unacceptable without pissing her off to the point she just stops contact and does it anyway?
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @wolfspirit Glad to see someone who takes their job seriously!
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @stublackwell I’m going to have a chat with her this evening about how they keep their dogs as I genuinely don’t know. I don’t interact with her much, she mostly only calls when she needs something
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @waitingfortheday Yes, I think that’s very much a necessity at this point given the absolute lack of empathy
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @tms7981 She was abused as a child, which is why I think she thinks it’s okay. She was taken away from my sister when she was 16. She was quite literally locked in her house with blackout curtains, not allowed to eat when she liked to, not allowed to go out except for school, not allowed to have...
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @firegreen3344 Agreed. Whenever I go out of town they either stay with family or I have a friend come stay at the house and watch them
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @firegreen3344 I’m glad I joined this sub. I’m no dog expert, but this didn’t feel right to me. I’ve got 3 at home and I absolutely wouldn’t be able to leave them in a crate even close to that long. The thought of them isolated and scared like that wigs me out
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @jagger Pardon my exhaustion at typing this out lol -pet hotel -were going to have an intervention on how she takes care of her doggos (as I don’t know what their daily life is like) -if they don’t respond I will call animal control
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    @restored_one That’s what I thought. I don’t crate my dogs except my puppy just while she’s small because I can’t trust her while I’m asleep.
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    Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

    My niece is going on vacation for 3 days and wants to crate her 2 year old pitty and 7 month old puppy the whole time. She thinks it’s okay because she will have someone drop in every 12 hours or so. I don’t think this is acceptable and am trying to convince her to board them. She wants me to...