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  1. S

    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @goat__man yeah I'm not sure if its an actual term, I've just heard a couple trainers mention it before. Basically when they get used to some tension and become less sensitive to the prongs so it doesn't feel like correction anymore, its just mildly annoying. Like my dog has figured out that he...
  2. S

    Prong collar for 8 month old after 3 months of leash training?

    @goat__man Agree with all the comments on how great a prong can be but I would watch out for the dog becoming "neck hard" over time. My dog (large lab x) was almost perfect the first few walks on the prong, it was night and day change and still is so much better than without but over time I got...