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  1. A

    Building a dog pen in the back of a pickup - Advice

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Thanks for the input. I like the top idea also because I can put something waterproof over the top in case of a storm (though. I suppose a solid top crate would also give shelter in that case). The car park is not fenced in, but is about 80% empty and in a very industrial...
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    Building a dog pen in the back of a pickup - Advice

    @steve3p0 I didn't really think of that. Maybe you're right and it's best to just keep the dog in the bathroom all day. Certainly easier!
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    Building a dog pen in the back of a pickup - Advice

    So I'm planning to get a dog in the next few months (a miniature alaskan klee kai), and I would like to be able to have my dog with me at work. Sadly I work in a laboratory, so the dog can't come inside, but the dog can be outside in the parking lot. I'm thinking about building a playpen in...