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  1. 4

    Can’t get my puppy to eat for the life of me

    Bad batch of food is a real thing. And your wife needs to understand that. It’s happened to me twice. Once I got a replacement bag sent out, my dog ate it all up. Both times, the food got stale. Maybe it sat in the warehouse too long…idk. I smell the food every time I open a new bag. I...
  2. 4

    Can’t get my puppy to eat for the life of me

    @rescuedsheep Several things: 1) some brands have “trial sizes.” Little bags of their food. All you have to do is call them up or write them or email them and ask if they have them. Sometimes they give it for free. Sometimes really cheap. Doesn’t hurt to try. 2) I feed mine (and my...
  3. 4

    Working line

    @floaton I wouldn’t get a working line in your situation if I were you. Just from what you’ve described it just doesn’t sound ideal. Your kids are young so they can’t help much and to saddle your wife/SO with the kids and a hyper dog while you’re gone isn’t fair. Show lines are great GSDs...
  4. 4

    Unexpectedly lost my 2.5 year old dog, I feel so empty

    @mdamon0501 Similar story. I had a neighbor who had a female golden retriever, Carly. Was my dog’s best friend. I had a GSD. They loved playing together. Would chase geese together at the elementary school. Carly was 6yo. My dog was 2. One day, all of a sudden we didn’t see that dog...
  5. 4

    Considering a GSD

    @sherina Answering your questions. “Do GSDs have lots of personality?” There are plenty of videos online for you to check out their “personalities”. “…if GSDs bond deeply to their owners?” You’re kidding, right? Look up the definition of German Shepherds. Almost every definition will...
  6. 4


    @lta EPI. My previous GSD had it. Lost 1/3 of his weight before we figured out what was wrong with him. Once he got on medication, he put the weight back on. It was a lifetime of dealing with regular bouts of diarrhea and vomiting. There were many nights of taking him out 4 or 5 times. But...