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    Barking interpretation: how to tell the difference?

    @ramya My dog, Toccio, does that same thing, (tail wagging but barking) especially with tall men he meets outside. I realized this on our first walk the day after I adopted him. When he saw the first stranger he met on the sidewalk, he was all waggliy tail and looked like he was approaching to...
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    advice for my first day with my adopted reactive dog?

    @christlover46 Thank you for sharing a bit about your story with your dog with me. I'm awestruck and so moved that you had the compassion and commitment and patience to help your dog heal. And thank you also for the affirmation and encouragement!
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    advice for my first day with my adopted reactive dog?

    @zakknight Thank you so much for your kindness and encouragement. With each of these comments, I'm feeling increasingly confident about my gut sense. Patience, time, space and unconditional love! :) I'm so excited!!!
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    advice for my first day with my adopted reactive dog?

    @lia1234 Thank you so much!!! It feels really good to have my instincts confirmed. The slip lead sounds like a really good idea! I'm off to the pet story to get a few last things, so I'll pick one up there. :) thank you so much for your encouragement and support!
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    advice for my first day with my adopted reactive dog?

    @rgw00 Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words! Remembering to care of one's own mental health is such good advice! I'm doing some planning for that too- like, some treats for me!! ;) Truly, your e-mail is so helpful and informative, and I am so happy for you and Roman!
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    advice for my first day with my adopted reactive dog?

    Hi folks, I just joined this group and I am SO happy to see that it exists! You all are so kind, supportive, and informed! I'm adopting Toccio, a 3 year old Shit zhu - Bichon Frise, and he's arriving on Tuesday Morning. His owners are giving him up because his constant barking is disturbing...
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    My wonderful first day with Toccio-

    @rgw00 oh, thank you!!!
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    My wonderful first day with Toccio-

    @zakknight Thank you!! we're both very happy!!!
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    My wonderful first day with Toccio-

    Hi! I posted a few days ago about my plans for and my concerns about adopting Toccio. I wanted to let you know a bit about our first two days, especially since they have gone so well, in no small part because of your warm support, encouragement and guidance. The entry plan worked so well...