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  1. H

    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @isthisreal sure, depends on the spray. but i love the smell of eucalyptus anyway. will give it a try! my hyper-chewer (who incidentally just tried to drag a small turkish carpet out, but was thwarted by the sheer weight) is also 7 months, no boundaries. i think your approach is a smart one!
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @isthisreal Oh good idea! I assume it doesn’t stain fabrics?
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @kayheartsong mine ate the paperwork that came with her adoption.
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @imagebeastmarkbeast i collected them for some years, had them arrayed across the top of my dresser. she nearly got NCC-1701-E and all her miniature crew.
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @bekuta oh i live in dread of the stolen cell phone
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @speed112 mine barks at me like, "hey, i was destroying that!"
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @deborahl5255 dogs are so weird. my other pupper likes to just move my shoes around and sleep on them. i can live with that. all the shoes are now in a closet.
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @lelier ahahahhaaha i like that mental image, the ball + bras
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @michaellovelett me too, the moving to new heights! everything in the house is now above 3 feet or behind a closed door. i had a bookshelf that contained nothing but my yarn stash... that was the first to get moved. also, i talked with an optometrist once, he said you'd be surprised how often...
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @fickles she has my other dog to chew on all day long when i'm not working with her. they run each other aground into comas. after a brief nap, the couch pillow must again suffer.
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @imagebeastmarkbeast i have been considering getting a critter cam. new super-chewer is corrupting older super-chewer who had stopped. i caught my previously well behaved pupper outside with a corner of the hated pillow in her mouth. who's the instigator now?
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @followerb Ahaha! Super-chewer-dog! That’s quite a remarkable hound you have there. Mine has taken to chewing on the side of the house (redwood boards). She never gets very far with it because I can hear this grinding from anywhere inside the house.
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    Did my mom do something to my dog?

    @yahchristian are you a guy? could be that your dog is afraid of women. covid rescue often means less socialization, so dogs can develop some weird fears. my rescue (for reasons utterly unknown to me) is afraid of men, children, bicycles, people on wheels... the list is endless. i can't change...
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    [Advice requested] I think our dog deserves better

    @recklessdefector if he's that callous toward a living thing, maybe you should reconsider boyfriends. and take the dog when you go, and rehome the poor thing.
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @celtish like kids, you always know when they're being bad, because they're quiet, too quiet
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    [Advice requested] I think our dog deserves better

    @recklessdefector What’s stopping you from rehoming this pupper? I agree, he’s left alone far too much and it’s not good for him.
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @isabell16 toys are an excellent idea, a little problematic with my other dog. they tend to fight over them. i have finally got one toy they won't always fight over. my other dog is murder on toys--in the two years i've had her, i have identified one (1) toy she did not atomize. so it's a...
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    @magiclevinho i think she actually took it outside one or two more times, but i lost count. also, how is she getting the damned thing through the dog door in utter silence?
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    things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

    a couch pillow (rescued in time) a shirt (taken down from a hangar in the closet) a signed edition of a paperback book by Craig Childs the same couch pillow the same couch pillow a disposable razor (don't even know where she got it, i don't use them) a Star Trek Christmas tree ornament (rescued...