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  1. P

    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    @wuodnyawasi I have really noticed this as my reactive girl has begun adapting much more quickly to visitors. She stops barking after a few minutes now, and if a visitor gives her a little space she'll creep up to them... with her tail between her legs, her whole body canted backwards, and her...
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    How much training is undone by practicing bad behaviors?

    @confundido So it doesn't work right away, but it's important that you actually go to the window and see what they're looking at. Otherwise they know that the alert isn't being heard. If it's alert barking (mid pitched, sharp and repetitive) it's meant to communicate to other family members so...
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    How much training is undone by practicing bad behaviors?

    @confundido For barking at things outside, you might try the "thank you" method - when the dog alerts, go with them to see whatever is setting them off, then say "thank you" and feed treats and call.them away for more treats. It feels like that might reinforce the barking, but what it actually...
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    Adolescent Regression

    @philosophik For dogs who have trouble settling or issues with high arousal, people have good success with relaxation protocol work. Here is the full, formal version: PROTOCOL FOR RELAXATION: BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION TIER 1...
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    Demand barking, send help (again)

    @krueman Teach him an alternative behavior to get attention. I use "talk" (mine is a husky mix and I find talking a lot cuter than barking), "touch", "sit", and sometimes she will spontaneously give me a toy if she wants something (as if she is paying me, it's adorable). You need to be willing...
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    I found my dog’s hidden stash today

    @leeyuhrae When my husky mutt was a puppy she tried to hide all her prizes, but she was terrible at it. We'd often find them placed carefully against a wall in plain sight, but her favorite hiding place was UNDERNEATH OUR OTHER DOG. Not a huge surprise that she now seems to believe that all...
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    never thought i’d see the day

    @kasimira Going fun places with friends is what helped my fearful puppy get over her terror of new people, a few at a time. She was a baby so it's a different situation, but she was struggling to adapt to people who she'd seen every 2 days for her first few months with us - until we went away...
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    (Repost with edit) What a difference a year makes…to new reactive dog owners, don’t give up hope

    @mjr88 I am very grateful for my dog as well. I thought I was reasonably knowledgeable about dogs, and then we brought her home. I've learned so much because of her. Even my husband is like "I wish I'd known a fraction of what we know now. So many of my dogs and my family's dogs could have lived...
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    Rescue dog is showing aggressive behavior all of a sudden, help :(

    @australiandownunder This is a pretty biased response. Many dogs bite; pits are not statistical outliers as biters.
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    (Repost with edit) What a difference a year makes…to new reactive dog owners, don’t give up hope

    @mjr88 It's great to hear about your progress with your dog. We've been on a similar journey... like you, I've seen a really big shift in my relationship with my dog. She used to run and hide when I tried to brush dirt off her - now she'll roll over and hand me an injured paw to examine if I ask...
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    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @kimmie_kimm My reactive dog was a hyper fearful puppy to the point where none of the standard socialization or counter-conditioning approaches were appropriate for her. Never mind not eating around a trigger - she wouldn't move outside of her "safe zone". Took many days before she was ok with...
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    Prozac/Fluoxetine support & advice please

    @tylerbalk If fluoxetine doesn't get her there, keep working with your vet. There are multiple meds in the same class and it can sometimes take a few tries to find the right fit. Your doggo can get there!
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    Prozac/Fluoxetine support & advice please

    @tylerbalk We definitely saw lowered appetite and lethargy for the first few weeks after starting fluoxetine, but it evened out after about 6-8 weeks and she was eating fairly normally again. We saw some positive behavioral impact in the 4-6week range but it really didn't start to show until a...
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    7 month old Doberman is beginning to snap at me more and more

    @wonderdove You need to change the way you're handling him. He's telling you he doesn't want to be picked up or moved with your hands - you should listen to that because it's going to get more intense as he grows up. Focus on teaching him to move around on command - teach him a "follow" cue to...
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    Horrible start to the year

    @cluper93 I am so sorry, that's awful. Wishing you and all your family strength and grace for this incredibly difficult situation.
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    Horrible start to the year

    @cluper93 I am so sorry, that's awful. Wishing you and all your family strength and grace for this incredibly difficult situation.