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  1. E

    This post is a big F U to the person who dropped their chicken bones all over the park

    @jonhpanin I'm not saying you are wrong - people should throw shit away, but some folks don't. Some people are assholes, however for many, it's definitely cultural and most often associated with poverty. If you don't agree, let me ask when the last time you got fried food from a gas station or...
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    First time adopting from a rescue, and she’s really reactive

    @doubtingdisciple Reactive dogs are a lot of work and none of us (I'm guessing) ended up here intentionally. My dog sat on my feet at the shelter and was super sweet - then a month later she started growling at everything. Needs a lot of care - I hesitate to say training, because it sounds...
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    This post is a big F U to the person who dropped their chicken bones all over the park

    @whiteyd26 Nah, it's probably a human. I think the chicken bone thing is cultural - as in, it probably isn't medically safe for dogs but the compulsive checking of safety is definitely middle class - and I want to say white. Not trying to exclude other people from wanting the best for their...
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    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    @jessman88 Ya - it doesn't help when they look like "that type" of dog. My eyes can't roll hard enough typing that - but my dog is assuredly cool with humans and would much rather feel the need to cuddle than to bark or otherwise. Unfortunately, humans have a bad habit of other-ing people and...
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    Our Christmas success was actually… really sad

    @wuodnyawasi Tbh the realization that my dog was terrified of everything on our walks was what motivated me to get serious on training. The bites she had vs other dogs were motivating but not as impactful as when I began to understand her motivations. I think fear and anxiety probably are much...
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    Does your dog sleep in your bed?

    @inneed1012 Honestly, I don't really understand why we have collectively decided to let influencers impact our lives this much. The advice is probably bullshit and they succeeded in getting us to talk and think about them. A broken clock is right twice a day - but you fix it or throw it out, not...
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    Share with me what you LOVE about your reactive dog

    @ludlow I came here to say basically this. However, I appreciate your spin on Velcro. I love that my terrier mix (amstaff) is a snuggle bunny whenever she gets anxious - and when she gets mad at me she will go lay on the edge of the bed and stare at the wall. In her enthusiasm for Kirkland...
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    In the wiki it states that prong collars, e collars, and chokes can cause intimidation. Is a slip lead a “choke”?

    @brothersnook It looks like you are trying to stop pulling. Get a harness that has a front pull and train with that and cheese. My dog doesn't pull at all on the front - it's gotta be weird for them because they will get pulled down or pulled sideways if they pull too much, but it doesn't hurt...