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  1. S

    My dog is hesitant to play with her toys

    @elie36 Thank you so much for the detailed reply, and I will surely try that method! I would like to know your opinion on what may be the cause for such behavior, and if it’s ok with you to also stay in touch if i have some further questions.
  2. S

    My dog is hesitant to play with her toys

    @elie36 Hi thanks for the reply! I’m looking to get her to actually participate in play in general, because the problem isn’t that she doesn’t show interest ,she many times sprints at the ball, but simply doesn’t pick it up, and as I mentioned seems to almost hesitate before actually grabbing...
  3. S

    My dog is hesitant to play with her toys

    My dog(4.5 y.o female Canaan dog) is overly gentle with her toys, when we are outside playing, she would many times run all the way up to the toy and than not grab it, and when she does she grabs it so lightly it falls from her mouth, and when she takes it she will willingly drop after a few...