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    How did you off leash train your puppers?

    @passionata I started within days of bringing him home. I have a fenced yard so I walked him off leash and called him by name, called his name and "Come", I also whistled and called "Come". I did this a couple times a day minimum until they got it . It's 10 years later and the whistle is the...
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    Puppy Essentials Advice

    @garnernathaniel There is no such thing as indestructible toys when it comes to GSDs!!!! You need to watch them closely to make sure that they are not hurting themselves. Not plastic toys, they break and splinter, it's more like rubberized similar to car tires. They are chewy and take longer...
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    Neutering - post surgery tips

    @kitchenlady I replaced the vet's Cone of Shame with a smaller soft cone. It doesn't stick out as far as the vet's and the pup won't get hung up on furniture and doorways as easily but still can't get to stitches etc
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    Chronic ear infection advice?

    @biblelesson The ongoing is more of maintenance, just clean them once. No need for 10 days straight unless they get bad again!
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    Chronic ear infection advice?

    @biblelesson We used to deal with this ALL The TIME. Our vet gave us a large bottle of Epiotic Advanced and a small bottle of Triple Max Otic Suspension and the following instructions. Get some cotton swabs like you would use for make up. Put the Epiotic Advance on a swab and swab the inside...
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    Do u bath ur companion(s)?

    @seakingjesus Both of mine play in baby pools and sprinklers and get hosed down when muddy in the fall and winter. Physical baths are saved for the smelly events.
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    How to update my fence for a German Shepherd

    @heislove1980 Another thought. My neighbor was afraid that my shepherds were going to eat her dogs even though I assured her that it wasn't going to happen, so she put up a 6 ft high privacy fence. I then showed her police dog training videos where shepherds were climbing 6 ft fences.
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    I think I've made a terrible mistake :(

    @jrbauco21 Made a small set of stairs for my 9 yr old to climb up!
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    How to update my fence for a German Shepherd

    @heislove1980 I have a 48" fence and neither of my GSDs try to jump it, even when dogs and other people come near. It is all about the training. My brother-in-law was an Air Force MP and used dogs, he taught me to simply walk your fence line with your puppy calling the pups name and telling him...
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    Considering a GSD

    @sherina A working line doesn't need a specific job, but all German Shepherds need exercise and something that demands their attention. I have two working line shepherds and between walks where they get to sniff trails for everything under the sun and jogging sessions with my wife they patrol my...
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    @junkerjorg Then i am with everyone else, you need to include another vet and look for different issues.
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    @junkerjorg How long has it been since you began his new routine? One of mine had stomach issues and it took 3 days for the new routine to kick in.
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    2 y/o foster F cries a lot, need help to understand

    @theonlyatheistonhere GSDs are an anxious breed is how my breeder put it. Any of your points could be true. Try to rule out physical pain from possible abuse then love the snot out of her and restore her confidence in humans