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  1. T

    Incident at dog park - feeling awful

    @xboatsailorz It is part of the training! I have a very very good trainer, and she was very accepting of puppies being interested in one another. She commented that manners can be learned any time, but enjoying class, other dogs and the whole process needs to start at the beginning. She...
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    Incident at dog park - feeling awful

    @xboatsailorz That’s awesome! Are you in group training classes? I stopped going to dog parks because I had a mastiff who was the most loving and sweet pup, but smaller dogs would gang up on him. He would be on his back trying to show he means no harm, and 3-5 dogs would be surrounding him...
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    Incident at dog park - feeling awful

    @xboatsailorz I stopped going to dog parks years ago, when I realized that I was setting my dogs up for disaster. I do take my pup to a daycare that I vetted, and he was in their puppy preschool program at your pups age. Small groups, 20-30 minutes of play 3x in 8 hours. Crated and walked...
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    Is it common for people to only brag about their perfect puppies?

    @pazuzil I had the same thing with kids. Talking to other parents, I felt like I was the only one willing to admit my kids weren’t perfect. They would go on and on about their kids perfect GPAs, lives etc, when I know they were caught vaping at soccer camp because I was a chaperone. I would...
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    1.5 yr old lip curled & growled at me

    @andrewmicheals Have you had his vision looked at? Had him evaluated for dementia? Any chance he has a brain tumor? I’ve seen all three of these things be the culprit for behavior changes like this. Unfortunately, brain tumor was the most common cause.
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    15 months old and still biting - do I have a monster on my hands?

    @alektra Yes honestly!!! This is insanity. Not a single trainer talked about giving her a job to do while you got your coat on? Or building up patience by learning to wait for something they really want? My puppy will be 15 months tomorrow. When he is bored/wants attention he will nibble on...
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    15 months old and still biting - do I have a monster on my hands?

    I’m not offended that I was downvoted, but I am asking specific questions because in my life I hear from a lot of people who say they hired trainers but it’s like a group session (which I highly recommended normal puppy behaviors!) or someone who said to shock the puppy, or just a random trainer...
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    15 months old and still biting - do I have a monster on my hands?

    @namakula What exactly do you mean when you say you hired a trainer and it didn’t help? You hired a personal one on one trainer? What type of training? What did they recommend, how long did you do it?
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    Help choosing a pup

    @louy51 Honestly, I would go to a shelter and ask for the most friendly dog they have.
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @theredraven Not just a glance, because the leash is still tight. We walk when leash is loose. Returning all the way would be ideal, but my dogs leash isn’t super long, so when he turns his body towards me, he is like halfway there. I would love to have him walk just completely at my side...
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @thislifeandthenext We are on a harness. One of his trainers wanted us to go back and forth between collar and harness depending on whether or not we wanted to let them sniff around or were supposed to heel.. But he was like 12 weeks and after making me think he damaged his trachea during one...
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @thislifeandthenext Well I won’t pretend that I’m some sort of loose leash walking expert.. I’m definitely not and I’m not even there yet with my dog. And it is insanely annoying. Especially when you just want to get somewhere. I’m hoping that one day it just clicks for him that “if I want...
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @thislifeandthenext So when she does what she wants, you mean pulls? And you stop?
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    Will it be okay to bring my puppy to an out-of-town trip (e.g. beach/hiking trail)?

    @brave_heart Ah gotcha, I am the type to hedge when I say something that isn’t set it stone too.
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    Will it be okay to bring my puppy to an out-of-town trip (e.g. beach/hiking trail)?

    @brave_heart This threw me off, you know what week you’re getting your puppy but not what breed?
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    Oh and I think clickers are great but I end up fumbling around and don’t get the click off as fast as I can get a yes out. I’m not against spending more time on it, but since he gets “yes” really well and I’m concerned about not always having a clicker on me, and having him spend time with...
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @busymom340 Totally! I should have said that my pup already knows yes means he’s doing the right thing, but that came with a lot of treats and yesses! He does get offered a treat when he turns back to me as well, but he often is just more interested in continuing his walk and ignores the...
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    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

    @infinitas1985 My trainer says to just stop, freeze, no talking. No attention. As soon as they turn back towards you, YES! And continue walking. It’s a variant on the reversing, except they get rewarded (walk continues) for coming back to you. It’s working really well. We still have to...