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  1. F

    Schedule for a 5.5 m/o puppy

    @hoangpr I have no idea why she pooped in the house, honestly. She hasn't pooped inside since she was 9 weeks old, and even her pee accidents pretty much stopped after a couple of weeks and completely vanished at 3 months! She had just been outside, and i always go out with her and praise her...
  2. F

    Schedule for a 5.5 m/o puppy

    So, my standard poodle puppy is usually pretty fantastic in the house and hadn't had an accident at all since she was 3 months old... until today, when she pooped in the house right after having been let out! So obviously I can't let her have free roam anymore and need to restrict her freedom...
  3. F

    Dog pinned 1 year old

    @welshchild You need to rehome the dog. Don't take a chance with your child or future children- this is a situation in which it's one strike and they're out.
  4. F

    Tomorrow I take our reactive Corgi back to the breeder and my wife and I are devastated. This is our story

    @williamis Yes absolutely children need to be taught how to behave properly around animals for everyone's safety, not to mention the animal's wellbeing. I have a friend who gave her kids a pet bunny, and they would scream at each other and fight each other to hold it. The poor creature was...
  5. F

    Tomorrow I take our reactive Corgi back to the breeder and my wife and I are devastated. This is our story

    @sacredword The safety of people, especially children, trumps keeping a dog. I will die on this hill. You've done everything possible to keep your pup while also keeping your child safe (and getting mauled in the process). When you adopt a dog you have a responsibility to do right by it, but...
  6. F

    Go to a fucking vet

    @jredfox4111 Can't tell you how many times i've gone to the vet for a series of issues from diarrea to small cuts where the vet was like... feed chicken and rice until she gets better, or, just clean and monitor, or whatever other basic instruction. Sometimes it's good to ask questions in a...