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  1. C

    Our GSD has started growling at my wife and this upsets her

    @mercedesrub40 You wrote that she does not walk him but you. I suggested that SHE walks him etc. He might just not see her as the owner aka his boss anymore, that is you cause you walk him right? (I was wondering what she did when you were away a few weeks though) So your wife is lower...
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    Our GSD has started growling at my wife and this upsets her

    @mercedesrub40 Your wife has to walk him everyday. It is HER dog, and it is a german shepard. My explanation is that now he isnot a puppy anymore, and he must be so extremely bored. No wonder he has issues. If she does not want to walk and train him everyday rehome him, so he get what he deserves.
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    O wish I know what is the problem with my dog

    @dannyd545 Take some goodies with you he really!! Loves...make sure you have them ready to feed (no fiddling in pocket to get it out), watch where could be something he might eat and bring him near it, and let him realise there is "shit to eat", as soon as you see him realising "aaah shit to...
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    O wish I know what is the problem with my dog

    @dannyd545 First: train your dog not to eat food from the Street. How is he even able to eat something, if you have him on a leash...i do not understand...Our dog started to have seizures with about 8 years...he had a brain Tumor..
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    O wish I know what is the problem with my dog

    @dannyd545 That should do...hope you find the reason or better: the seizures does not happen anymore :)
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    O wish I know what is the problem with my dog

    @dannyd545 Sorry i meant with dogfood what you listed (the chicken, peppers etc apples, bananas), but no bread, ice cream, salty things etc..and i was Deadly serious about the rice, do you rinse 5-6x before boiling it?
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    O wish I know what is the problem with my dog

    @dannyd545 Hmm if he is not too fat, has enough movement, it could be sweets aka sugar, salty or spicy foods. I would set Stitch on a "diet" where he gets 5-6month only dogfood...nonothing.. AND: how do you make the rice?? You rinse it at least 5-6 with clear water hopefully?? Cause of the...
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    O wish I know what is the problem with my dog

    @dannyd545 Ahh and did you gave him any supplements, medicine before the strokes? He might be allergic against something you feed him..