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  1. J

    Sweet Angel to Tiny Satan - 8/9 Week Old Husky Puppy is a Terror

    Thanks everyone! He's gotten a lot better! We do have anti chew spray now (2 different ones). He doesn't chew on furniture that much anymore. He will play nip and chew, which we're fine with but are still teaching him no bite with this to make sure our youngest family members are safe. We've...
  2. J

    Sweet Angel to Tiny Satan - 8/9 Week Old Husky Puppy is a Terror

    We brought him home last weekend. He took to his kennel quick and asks to be put in there when he wants in. He's starting to alert when he needs to go outside with minimal accidents. He plays a lot and sleeps a lot. The problem? Three times this week he has become aggressive, and at first it...