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  1. E

    Adopted a dog 3 weeks ago - Becoming increasingly reactive

    @yhudithagios Thank you so much for your response! It’s so interesting to hear that many people have also seen ‘delayed reactivity’. Out of interest, how is your dog now? Which strategies have you found to be the most effective?
  2. E

    Adopted a dog 3 weeks ago - Becoming increasingly reactive

    @tomline Thank you very much for your response. You have given me some hope haha! I am really hoping to be able to describe my dog as just ‘mildly reactive’. I also hope that some of his anxiety stems from the adjustment to the new home and hopefully I will see his anxiety levels decrease...
  3. E

    Adopted a dog 3 weeks ago - Becoming increasingly reactive

    @kruick Wow thank you so much!! You have certainly given me a lot of hope!! 😍 Really happy to hear that she is doing so well, all your work has paid off!
  4. E

    Adopted a dog 3 weeks ago - Becoming increasingly reactive

    @kruick Very interesting! That’s great news! I am glad to hear that she’s more laid back now! I suppose you also tend to walk her in places that are relatively quiet? My dog sounds similar, for the past 2 days he has been great around people, some people have even stroked him (unexpectedly!! I...
  5. E

    Adopted a dog 3 weeks ago - Becoming increasingly reactive

    @kruick Thank you so much for your detailed response. I can fully relate to the motto of ‘constant vigilance’. How does your dog react around other dogs now? Does she react to all dogs still?
  6. E

    Adopted a dog 3 weeks ago - Becoming increasingly reactive

    @tigerangel Thank you so much for your response! These resources have been extremely helpful and they make a lot of sense. With trigger stacking in mind, for the past 2 days I have exercised my dog away from the park in an area where the paths are wider and generally there are far fewer dogs...
  7. E

    Adopted a dog 3 weeks ago - Becoming increasingly reactive

    @gundy22 Thank you so much for your response! When did you adopt her and how is she doing now? Which strategies have you found to be the most effective?
  8. E

    Adopted a dog 3 weeks ago - Becoming increasingly reactive

    @bozayo Thank you so much for your detailed response, it was very helpful!! Yes I agree with you, perhaps it’s been too much too soon. I haven’t taken him on any hikes we just go to the local park twice per day, morning and evening. I was conscious that he’s a young dog and he’s a mix of...
  9. E

    Adopted a dog 3 weeks ago - Becoming increasingly reactive

    Hello! I have been browsing the threads on here and wanted to share my experience here to see if anyone has been through something similar. I adopted my dog 3 weeks ago today. He’s almost 2 years old and is a golden retriever mixed with border collie. I’ve been reading about the 3-3-3...