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  1. M

    Protein need for a 6-year-old Labrador?

    @colograndma I found this article and you may find it interesting. The article is from this year and discusses different perspectives from vets (old and new school varieties) and veterinarian nutritionists. A number of studies are sourced and helpful links are provided. The TL;DR of the above...
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    Lost with Dog Food selection (Dry) - 12mo Rescue (mixBreed) @55lbs

    @nlu You raise a good question. That has been my experience, but none of my dogs ever exceeded 60 lbs. After doing a little research, I’ve found the majority of sources state to keep large breeds on puppy food until they are anywhere from 12-24 months. There was no real consensus on an exact age...
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    Lost with Dog Food selection (Dry) - 12mo Rescue (mixBreed) @55lbs

    @nlu I’d move on up to adult food. Your doggo is a year old now, and I’d graduate to adult food. Concerning whether your dog is considered “large breed”… that likely depends on the manufacturer. I’ve read and seen “large breed” foods targeted to mastiffs, Great Danes, st. Bernards, etc...
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    Why are the ingredients in UK vs American dog food companies so different

    @xavier363 Thank you for the clarification. I hope you get a discount on food, I think that would be a nice perk for your employment 😂 I guess I equate you feeding the food your company makes to going to a restaurant and seeing the servers on break eating food made in the kitchen.
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    Food Vortex. Royal Canine vs...others?

    @sevilodorf If a brand is not currently developing new lines on food or feeding trials why would they need to continue employing a full time ACVN? If an ACVN has already developed and vetted a formula, what additional work would they have to do? Quality control? I would think that would fall to...
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    Why are the ingredients in UK vs American dog food companies so different

    @xavier363 Can you describe what you mean by “alternative brands” vs. “independent pet food manufacturer?” Not trying to poke the bear, but genuinely curious about how you distinguish the two terms.