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    Puppy will not settle

    @imagebeastmarkbeast You're suggesting OP raises her puppy as a full-fledged cage dog. That's animal abuse.
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    Overtired v. Couped up v. Normal puppy behavior

    @wyattwrd If he's crated at night that's at least 16 hours of 24 in the crate, right? If he spends the majority of his time crated I agree with your mom. That's not healthy for a puppy.
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    Balanced to R+ and Back?

    @tubal Pressure = discomfort. Aversive tools are meant to cause discomfort. Don't fool yourself on their function. My point is that there are ways to put pressure on a dog without causing physical discomfort.
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    Balanced to R+ and Back?

    @tubal Why not have "training without aversive tools" as a goal instead? Your dog is not deaf/blind/dumb, the clarity should come from you, not a tool. Work on your communication.
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    Balanced to R+ and Back?

    @tubal I don't understand why it’s "R+ or aversive tools". That's a dichotomy I only see on the internet. Putting up boundaries and enforcing behaviour by punishment doesn't require prong or e-collar.
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    help with bite inhibition!!

    @justanothername So the issue is with you. You need to keep training for those trainers and learn through practice, with their guidance and by mimicking how they handle the dog.
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    When evil a/c vents go on the attack…

    @bellaeli97 Do you still have a leash on? Try taking it off, no collar or harness, and see if she relaxes more. I think it's too much of safety hazard to have collar, harness or leash on indoors. You can grab her and pick her up without a leash.
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    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    @tranquilcs Dogs that have trouble being around children shouldn't have to share space with children. Period. If you adopt a dog because it is uneasy around children surely the premises for adopting is that you are not going to expose the dog to children? Why else would you want to take that...
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    Is it always a bad idea to use an e collar at a dog park

    @melanie92 Any equipment is a safety risk when dogs are playing. If your dog have a collar on, the dog they are playing with can get injured on the collar (getting a tooth or claw stuck). Always take off collars, harnesses and clothes for play.
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    advice please :(

    @blapakona77 Because you haven't even had the puppy for 24 hours and you sound like you where completely clueless to how a puppy works and have scewed expectations and no patience. Also, you are diminishing the breeder's knowledge saying that the breeder treated the puppy wrong and is to blame...
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    Destructive puppy

    @armando23 Another dog is not any help against separation anxiety. Are they alone all day?
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    Destructive puppy

    @armando23 Sounds like she has separation anxiety. You don't mention how much time she spends home alone.